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Goldeneye Proxies

Well said Slightball

Its sad that all these people are going to be scared of the proximity mines. If your going to quit every time you hit one fine but if your the host you should at least finish the match. Does this mean every time you play heroes and your not MI6 your going to quit too?

For everyone complaining about proximity mines I think you have been conditioned to play one style of FPS online (CoD... etc). All you need do in that is run and shoot run and shoot. It seems like that is the only thing that is accepted as a demonstration of skill, the ability to move fast and pull the trigger early. Anyone that grew up playing Goldeneye 64 should have at least had a go at proximity mines (it was basically the only weapon choices me and my mates used). I'm new to online FPS games and this is the first one iv played online but I'm fast learning how different you need to play to succeed online. I used to be a bit of a camper back in the day (proximity mines may have influenced this) but online camping will get you few kills (in most cases). I remember the cat and mouse games with proximity mines where you would need to think up strategies to get into a persons base (and this was when you could watch the other persons screen to see them coming). Proxies are not the bad things that everyone thinks they are (yes I'm sure it frustrating to hit them often) it adds another element to the game.

Maybe you will need to change your strategy of running around mad firing at anything that moves when there is a 53+ person your playing against. Maybe you will just have to deal with the fact that your kill streaks are going to be interrupted more often. Maybe you aren't going to get the usual high XP you would normally get or even win against proxies. DEAL WITH IT. It is a legit part of the game that was part of the original. Also grenade launchers are legit too. I think the people on here complaining need to show some REAL skill and learn to adapt to the different situations (running and gunning, campers, proxies, noob tubers) that you come up against in the match's. Iv read a few posts of high level players saying running around killing people over and over again gets old (and I can imagine it would) this is why different people and different styles of play such as noob tubers make the online experience better.

I'm sorry I rant a lot, feel free to criticise

Classic Bond moments

Sorry its a bit long but like most things there is a story to go with it

Well now just had a funny time and then a person host quitting but this time I will forgive them . Even though I was on a 15+ kill streak on the way to a new best for me. Even though I had a sweet toros with a silencer I had picked up (haven't yet unlocked) Even though that the experience I was going to get in that level was going to be enough to get me to the next level. I will forgive this rage quit once because I may have deserved it.

DamenTomBerry (or something very similar – level 34 I think) Glitch part is next

Just happend to find himself in a most unfortunate predicament. We were playing heroes on Jungle (Naiumuci was on my team if it rings a bell) and there team was hiding under the outside stairs connected to the bridge. The whole team was there and I had flanked them by coming around where you climb the hill for access (its the side with the boards as ramps). I take out poor DamenTomBerry (whatshisname) and he drops then I take out anotherone who is still unaware. While I am lining up a third, like a zombie DamenTomBerry (DTB for short) rises up directly in my scope BANG (well it would have been a bang but it was silenced) he drops again. Again he rises directly in my scope. This happens 7 or 8 times before iv killed the rest of his team in the area and he spawns somewhere free of my onslaught. In this time Iv managed to get a 5 kill domination and a 10 kill streak.

Now this is where it gets funny because I managed to stay where I was undetected and his team stupidly tries to camp in the same spot. I'm picking them off again thinking I'm going to get a killstreak of 50 here if this keeps up. Then those words we all dread when things are going our way

Host Quit Connection Terminated...

I just had to laugh DTB may or may not have been the host I hadn't checked but my fun had come to an end and so abruptly had my killstreak (could have possibly bean above my 17 which is currently my highest).

I know what I was doing was wrong, or unfair, but hey I didnt go looking for the spawn spot, I didnt tell his whole team to camp under the stairs, TWICE. And what was I spose to do just ignore the kills that were throwing themselves at me. In hindsight the answers to these questions are probably yes, Yes walk away from the easiest kill streak you will find for fear of a host quitter and eventual loss of all xp for everyone involved.

So DamenTomBerry (again not sure what your name was) I apologise. But id sure as hell do the exact same thing if given the chance

Back into It

Havent posted anything in here in ages and feel like I want to start again. Here it is

Thank you for reading

Leveled up

Yay up to level 10 nowI can get some movies uploaded but I don't like the title but hey lets see what come next

My level

Yesssss level 9 has the best title yet.....

I AM AN IKARI WARRIOR.... im sure there is some coe to not lose lives or something, come on get in my tank

Greatest Hero of them all

This whole comp seems like its all overly predictable I mean Mario and link are probably going to end up in the final where it will be anyones guess I for one am happy there has been some upsets and although iv backed link to take home the gold id like to see good old MegaMan get in there and claim victory after all he should only get stronger with each win as he steals the power of his fallen adversary. LETS GO MEGA MAN

To old for me Wii

When is the wii going to do something to interest me? At the moment I am full on with uni crap but in a week there I get time off over Easter and am thinking about what new game I should be playing and I'm thinking and I'm thinking and I'm thinking and nothing is coming. Stuff playing my wii I'll just do assignments instead or watch countless episodes of Looney tunes cartoons while I'm sitting around at home. I sadly have to question my desire to be labelled a gamer anymore. As it is I can't find the time to pick up a controller for longer than 30min but it's not so much the time restraint I'm simply choosing to do other activities instead of picking up the controller. Am I over the gaming hill at 24, been playing since I was 5 and got duck tales on my first ever nes. No I realise, it's not me it's the material that I am using. Either I have grown up beyond Nintendo or their games are no longer meeting the same standards. With the exception of Twilight Princess I haven't strung together more than a few days consecutively of playing a game and once I stop it is never picked up again. I currently have Okami - maybe half finished, Tales of Symphonia - 24 hours in (will admit I'm giving this more of a shot) Mariokart - incomplete and not picked up since its release, Madworld - 2 bosses killed and trying to get back to it, Smackdown vs. Raw - played for a week and now can't find the time, the list goes on Tiger woods', Fifa 09, (and 08 for that matter), We love golf, Skate it, Mario and sonic at the Olympics. When will his imcompleting madness end? I simply would like to find a game on the wii that can maintain the attention of a 24 year old to stick with a game until it's at least beaten once. Usually I would be on my second run through of Zelda; I mean I went through ocarina of time maybe 5 times and wind waker at least 2. Perhaps I should just admit to myself that I have grown up and that there is no time in my life for my Nintendo anymore. Maybe I should get an Xbox that has good sport games so that when I play I can just pick up spend an hour or so playing and put it down, no need for a story no need to come back and finish something, just playing

why are the other consoles so much more fun then the supposed fun machine wii

Just a thought about how engaging the current games are on wii. The weekend just gone my mate got resident evil 5 for his Xbox 360 so I went round for a good old fashioned games day. He was working on Sunday so wanted an excuse to stay in and avoid getting on the piss so I rocked up around lunch time and we had a crack at the co-op style storyline. 13 and a half hours later at around 1:30 in the morning we finally beat the last boss and had finished the game. This was achieved without a single break in play; the machine was going the whole time. With a few exceptions of getting drinks, toilet breaks and answering the door for the pizza dude we were uninterruptedly engaged the whole time. Now it's not because the game is ridiculously good. And it's not because the story was massively vast and amazing. It was because it was a good challenge (we each died on numerous occasions) and because it was fun. If you were to play through this game by yourself then obviously you probably wouldn't sit there that long just to beat it from start to finish. Which goes to suggest, why aren't there more games coming out with a multiplayer option for the basic story (or if there are such games why are they not on the wii, and if these such games are on the wii why can't I find them, and if I'm not finding them because I'm not looking why is the wii's games so damn crap that I haven't bothered looking.)

Nintendo is losing my faith

I attempted to post a comment in the heated piracy ebate but had issues, i assume because i have only recently signed up. so i figured that i could put my opinion here, it most likely isnt getting views but may give me some kind of merit towards posting comments.

i am 24 and have been playing games for nearly 20 years, (here we go another life story) i remember getting a tv and a nes with duck tales for my 6th birthday. i have owned every nintendo system ever since, generally getting games and systems for birthdays and xmas as the years went on. i bought the gamecube and wii with my own money and also paid for any games myself. to be honest i was mostly happy with spendin $100 on gamecube games and dont think the console got enough credit. it was around this time that many of my friends started going for an xbox or sony because of the quality in graphics and more mature style games, i stuck loyalty to nintendo for the franchises like zelda and mario. i looked foward to getting my wii for xmas its first year and was happy by the success of the new direction gameing seemed to be heading, thinking like many that you can only improve graphics so much before there needs to be something inovative. wii sports seemed to offer a simple introduction to the types of games that could be expected on the wii in the years to come and so i bought many different games to try and get a variety of experiences in the interactive style of games the wii was offering. this is where the colourful story goes south. game after game i bought only to be disapointed with the level of interactional gaming provided by the control scheme, as we all know the wii cant graphicaly compete with the other consoles so the controls and gameplay were where the system were supposed to shine. spending no less than $1000 (roughly 10 games) as new games came out. i soon got sick of spending money on games such as fifa and smackdown vs raw which took advantage of a control set up that was more a hinderance than interactive, as well as playing games where the swinging motions are as irrelevent to the game as if they were another button on a control pad. i had had enough of wasting my money so now that i am at uni and cant afford to waste money on mostly garbage games i download my own and play them that way. i have all but lost my faith in nintendo and the games they develop. i have many more things i could say about this issue but i am wasting my letters and who really cares if a longtime loyal nintendo fan would rather download games to play then waste his money after all...

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