[QUOTE="jetthrovegas"]I lol'd and then i stopped reading.I am a console user. Let's get that out of the way right up front. I have played games on PC (System Shock 2, Morrowind, Warcraft, etc.), but I am primarily aconsole user.I like the simple plug and playhardware, I like the big TV's and thesplitcreen versus matches, I like the fact that I don't have to worry about specs when I buy a game.
But, because of this Manhunt 2 fiasco, I have realized that the future of gaming is on the PC. While the consoles have restrictive licensing on Adult Only rated games that prevents them from even being released the PC encourages complete and total creative freedom.You can play adult games, you can download new (and maybe restricted) games off ofthe internet, it is simply a completely free gaming platform.
OnPC there is no company telling me what I can't see and what is good for my children. On the PC there are no restrictions on playing games that may be "psychologically harmful". Hell, even if publishers stopped releaseing AO games altogether, you could still download adult content games from the internet, perhaps directly from devs who are fed up with the moral police who tell them what can and cannot be portrayed in a video game!
Sure, I may love the simplicity of consoles, but unless the console manufacturers change their policies on AO games,I will be dropping some extra cash in the next gen.
Because no amount of savings and ease of use is worth having Big Brother cover your eyes for you.
What did youlol at? The word "fiasco"?
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