Maybe they should just make some great games, and when they do, dont delay them , and dont pit them against each and other titles with bigger names :P .
Dude am tired of Sony delying the best games further back just becasue of that noone should buy them . I was so exited that it was finally coming out cause it looks so good and now they tell me it has been push back??!! other then that the game is really really nicealberto2045
Its not sony Delying the games, its the company making them. Either way I'll be able to wait and R6V will fill the void till then .
You really have to play it more then once to get use to the controls since its more of a fighter then a button masher. I've gone through it a bunch of times and I can hit all the combo's and when you do that, its extremely cool and fun to play. The demo was too short and didnt give you a feel for the game, but the finish product will diffently give us what we are looking for, well I think atleast :P
Well the major issue was the control's, I've played warhawk and loved the motion controls so Im going to ignore what they said about it and purchase it anyways. I know this game will be a love, hate thing, a lot of will like the controls, and a bunch will dislike it. No biggie for me and I will enjoy the either way.
Ummm nectar :P This game will be awesome and my wallet will be empty this fall season :( . Everything about it seems a bit different which not insanely different so it wouldn't be fun. The whole nectar idea will be awesome, and i can't wait to fight the good fight :D
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