as usual i can't be bothered to write a full review, as everyone else says what i think anyway somewhere in their reviews, but here's just a few thoughts:
- i rated the game an 8, because i largely really enjoyed it, wanted to play through to the end, and am really pleased someone made a decent effort of a film-related game - this is definitely not a lost opportunity.
- there's a danger with the novelty of the graphics, brilliantly realised though they are, beginning to pall after a while and there was a moment about halfway through when i wondered if i'd get bored of it, but the game recovered with some good levels
- the fighting is pretty good, and although some of the weapons are tricky at first it's fun when you get the hang of them and build up their efficiency
- there's one or two typically annoying boss fights, but there are very few games that don't have those
- the light cycles are VERY tricky - you are both controlling the bike with keys and also controlling the 'camera' with the mouse, and i nearly put my neck out trying to crane mhy head around with the camera - i was getting the hang of it by the end though - you don't have to survive that long before others start crashing around you. However, i've not got the hang of how to customize the light cycle arenas out of the game, so that's annoying but maybe i need to read the manual more carefully
- although there are some 'jumping' bits they're not all frustrating - i actually really enjoyed one where you're jumping up and down to get to switches that are placed at differnt levels in a large shaft - you have to use a lot of differen platform, all going up and down to different levels at different speeds - AND there's a time limit...
The bottom line is it's a well-realised and unique environment, and a good game, so i would say it's an essential game for FPS-merchants to have played at least once.
And i tried to take screenshots, but there was some sort of delay in their being taken, which means they're all of blank walls or 'you're dead' screens
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