dude its a UK magazine who give it a review.... when are u getting the game in the uk????????? am sure its not the same day as the US..... plus those type of magazines suck its the same with the EGM thta we get here........
dude if u like madden ur not goin to like this game i like this type of games because i dnt like madden but the demo its ok need to play it more but i still think the game has gone bad since the first one..... that game was the best of all of them and still is...
i got the playstation eye and i try using it as webcam. It it tells me that the webcam is not found..... is the plastation eye also a webcam or am i wastng my time trying to make it work.....
hey guys i just want to download some rock band song from the PSN but i want the ones that sound the best with the drums. so far i have AND JUSTICE FOR ALL and i want more.
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