Without a doubt Uncharted 3.Just got a 73 in 3D-TV .This game is epic in 3D
jg780000's forum posts
no no no everytime i read a post stating i dont have to pay 60 bucks for online.It is not that much,i have only paid 39.99 .You fanboys need to stop posting lies just to make yourself fell better.
PS3's netflix is now disc free, runs 1080p video, has 5.1 surround sound, subtitles for some videos and an improved UI that looks and functions much better than the 360's. I just tried it on my PS3 and the new interface is great. Its easy to navigate and looks sexy. My xbox is connected directly to my router and my ps3 is wireless, but the PS3's videos still load up much faster.
Now its disc free,how long did that take,i can't remember.That was the main reason i use netflix on my 360.XBOX will be getting 1080p video and 5.1 surround down the road,so its not like ps3 has this feature and no one else gets it.I tried downloading netflix on my ps3 and logging in,but wait a second i can't log in.I tried 5 times in a row.Ok how am i supposed to be impressed with these new features if i can't log in.I guess you get what you dont pay for.
video showing new UI
Well this video could be played for ps3 fanboys for any ps3 exclusive game.Just another ps3 fanboy trying to put down 360 again,instead of facing reality that ps3 sales and psn are inferior to 360.[Warning, contains mild language and haloism]
I was really excited about onlive as well,until i played it,boy does it suck.It's laggy,and very pixelated while playing fast moving games.Also you won't be able to play 360 or ps3 exclusive games
To dam expensive,i don't have the money to be upgrading all the time,trust me i would love to build a gaming rig.If i built a gaming comp. i would'nt have the money to buy anything for my 360 or ps3.I see console gamers all the time fighting about "graphics kings" . Yet when you ask them why they don't have a high end gaming pc they act like graphics don't matter.
So witch is it guys? Do you love your graphics or do they not matter?
isnt fighting over 5 year old hardware kinda irrelevant by now? We have seen pretty much everything they can do with these systems. Maybe we will get a game that will look 5% better but its not going much more then it already has .
The series is just as good maybe even better than Halo series. How come we can't equal its success?jimmypsn
Well my opnion kz gameplay to me is just boring,and the storyline is mediocre.Halo's story and multiplayer beats kz by far,that could be why.
Wrong i have played kz2,i have a ps3 and 360.Soryy but to me kz2 was a complete bore fest .I have played tons of shooters in my day,kz2 gameplay was to slow and sluggish,and the controls just plain sucked.Don't get me wrong the graphics are great,but nothing to brag about.
For what MS is marketing it for, Out of all 3, Kinnect will be pushed aside and be ingnored. It's MS desperate answer to the wiimote/MOVE. MS were put on the spot and they know they needed to stick out, so Kinect was born...with little thought.MS know this, but they also know they need to keep up with competition.
MS don't really care, they will do what they normally do...market the crap out of it and brain wash many through celebrities in to buying it.
People are quickly to jump on sony, yet they forget that SONY have MOVE/EYETOY...the best of both worlds, Move works because it's already proven thanks to the wiimote (but much more accurate), we know MOVE will be accepted and with eyetoy it only deepens the experience.
Kinect is a huge risk because..well, it's controller-less. Nothing in your hand, no response, nothing to make you feel like you're in the game. This is what nintendo keep saying, and it's true.
With wiimote/move, one can just layback with device in your hand played like a tradition controller with flicking/risk movements. Kinect requires full body motions.
I only see kinect working with family party games/gimmicks, but with hardcore games, it'll just be tiresome and simply won't feel good, hence why MS have now began to market it with these types of games.
Tho i can see MS doing damage control in the future, have most games be done with the standard controller and have Kinect implimented with minor additions (selections, quicktime events, etc
Well i think move will be forgottenn.It's nothing more than a supped up wii version.I had the wii,been there done that,and now there is move,yawn big deal already seen it.where as ms has a controller less camera,which you can do more that play games.You can scroll thru the dashboard and navigate you xbox with your hand,and use your voice for controlling video.There is true potential for kinect if it is done right.
This is MY opinion....thoughts?
god of war 3 has been mentioned. and its on ps3 :( and halo reach looks like crap and final fantasy 13 is sub hd on 360 lolz and god of war 2?...Reading your post tells me your a ps3 fanboy,so you probably have'nt played halo reach,whcih does not look like crap.So don't post something that you don't know what your talking about.I could be a total fanboy and post god of w 3 looks like crap.[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"]
halo reach, gears of war 3, ggears of war 2. FF13 even though its at a lower resolution, FF13 smashes most graphics this generation no one can say FF13 doesn't look amazing.
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