I have been playing games for 20 years to better prepare for the inevitable zombie outbreak/robot revolution/alien invasion. The fact that you are suggesting my 10 's nay 100's of thousands of hours of kicking pixled ass and taking handles has not transferred to actual killing skillz infuriates me. Sure I have never held a gun and they kind of scare me but when s#!* goes down I will be prepared. Also if there is any chance I have pwned some n00b terrorist on COD then is it not better to accept the possibility that they too are out there trying to learn via games the same as I am (albeit for different reasons)? If for no other reason than bragging rights?? Please before your write an article like this think of me, think of my ego. Oh also well written, interesting article. I hope televison and movies take some time to try to portray gaming in a more realistic light as well. I'm looking at you NCIS. 'All the high scores on all the mmo's' indeed.
/agree Way too many tie ins and important DLC to keep up with. I alos felt Vega was an uneeded addition. There was already a large cast of people to fit that slot of military badass guy already. Having him and Kaiden is silly. They more or less fill the exact same function. Oh is Kaiden dead in your game? Slot in Jacob. ME3 did not have as much character development so there was no time to make Vega seem a part of the team. They really should have stuck with squad mates introduced in the first 2 games. The Prothean was cool but again not necessary and totally underdeveloped.
This whole thing reminds me of the ire over the final 10 minutes of Galactica. Yeah I was like, 'WTF they went through all that to go stone age?' but I never thought of writing to the creators to have them shoot an alternate ending I liked better. I may not have enjoyed the end but I sure as hell enjoyed the ride.
jimgray1066's comments