Today, i downloaded the F.E.A.R demo. Made by Montereal studios (who made the good Condemned game).
F.E.A.R the demo, is ******* AWSOME! even though its still a demo, its god dam sweet!. Slow mo action, gore and frightning scares all in one - F.E.A.R. Rory, you will love F.E.A.R, Matt, you'll like it to. So download it everyone, unless your a wimp :)
PS. This is not the final designe of the game, it will be tweeked and fixed in the final version.
jimi_man Blog
I've got it!
by jimi_man on Comments
I've finnaly got my 360!. Took a while to get online going but i got it no doubt. My gamercard is Jimihifi and i lost 1 match in BFME II. Now all i need is a dam headset, you guys will be see ing me playing Oblivion, PDZ and LoTR BFME II
The Famous Croc' Hunter, has Died!
by jimi_man on Comments
Stever Irwin, known as The Crocodile Hunter, has died today!. He got killed in a fishing accident, being peirced through the heart by a Sting Ray. He is a Aussie Legend, and alot of people around the world will miss him, especially his family. Poor bloke.
Cya Steve, you will be remebered as The King of The Crocs!
Cya Steve, you will be remebered as The King of The Crocs!
by jimi_man on Comments
Finnaly, i got it, the one game To Rule Them All!, The Lord of The Rings Battle For Middle Earth II, sitting right next to me, in its shiny nice cover, waiting to be played...
i am going to my friends place tomorow to see if it works fine (i got it off eBay for $75) Finnaly i get to play the one of a kind LoTR game!. I may know most of my friends dont like this game (rory, chris, maybe even andrew!) but im sure, if they actually play it, they'll like it (rory played for 5 mins, so that doesnt count).
So finnaly, i get to play my most anticapated game, since Halo 2. i'll wright down my opinion of the game tomorow!
i am going to my friends place tomorow to see if it works fine (i got it off eBay for $75) Finnaly i get to play the one of a kind LoTR game!. I may know most of my friends dont like this game (rory, chris, maybe even andrew!) but im sure, if they actually play it, they'll like it (rory played for 5 mins, so that doesnt count).
So finnaly, i get to play my most anticapated game, since Halo 2. i'll wright down my opinion of the game tomorow!
Its Getting Closer....
by jimi_man on Comments
Thats Right, my bday is only 28 days away! ( or 29, or even 30 i think) but anway, 28 days away. These are my messeges to some of the people coming -
Rory B - Come, atleast
Chris A - Can you make it? (i know you live in Melbourne, but you could find a way, right?)
Matt R - Could you bring one controller, for we are needing 4 360 controllers, Alex is bringing 2, i've got 1 and Matt bring 1 = 4 controllers!
I think thats all my local friends on GameSpot that are coming, but i think im forgetting someone...
Rory B - Come, atleast
Chris A - Can you make it? (i know you live in Melbourne, but you could find a way, right?)
Matt R - Could you bring one controller, for we are needing 4 360 controllers, Alex is bringing 2, i've got 1 and Matt bring 1 = 4 controllers!
I think thats all my local friends on GameSpot that are coming, but i think im forgetting someone...
P.A.N.I.C.S Is funny!
by jimi_man on Comments
PANICS, is the most funniest thing ever. 'He got me Frank' and 'Where'd all your meat go' are just some of the funniet quotes of the movie. GO see it now, ive never laughed so much thats something to do with a game!.
I love the part, where the Gas Mask Man and Bravo 2 are talking about stuff, and then Gas Mask Man gets punched in the head (he does the LEAN in the game) and he goes 'What was that?'. And the other dude goes 'Theres always a perfectly logical explanation for all...(gets hit in head) what da hell?'. The Gas Mask man walks back into the corner, as says. 'Ok, crazy ghost, lets do it, Moto Moto' *puts away shotgun and starts swinging punches in the air* Bravo 2 puts his gun away and does a jump kick and shouts 'Oh Yeah!'. Then Frank walks in and says, 'What the hell are you guys...argh, what the hell'. Go see it, its on Gametrailers, and type in F.E.A.R on the search game, and go see it.
I love the part, where the Gas Mask Man and Bravo 2 are talking about stuff, and then Gas Mask Man gets punched in the head (he does the LEAN in the game) and he goes 'What was that?'. And the other dude goes 'Theres always a perfectly logical explanation for all...(gets hit in head) what da hell?'. The Gas Mask man walks back into the corner, as says. 'Ok, crazy ghost, lets do it, Moto Moto' *puts away shotgun and starts swinging punches in the air* Bravo 2 puts his gun away and does a jump kick and shouts 'Oh Yeah!'. Then Frank walks in and says, 'What the hell are you guys...argh, what the hell'. Go see it, its on Gametrailers, and type in F.E.A.R on the search game, and go see it.
Nearly my birthday!
by jimi_man on Comments
great! on my birthday im aloud to bring out my 360 (i have to get a good end of year report card to have it for real) pizza, chips, lollies, soft drink, home cinema! oh yeah. Still wondering what movies to rent out and 360 games to rent...
New Profile
by jimi_man on Comments
G'day guys, this is Trano8, i changed profiles becouse of my dumb name. Hope to see you guys around
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