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#1 jimmzeh
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

[QUOTE="Gamingrulez"]knee-jerk? lol it did equire a counter bcz i was proving how i think the 360 is useless bcz PC owns its @$$musicalmac
If the PC owns the 360, then what does that make the PS3?

A better console with great exclusives on the horizon that aren't available on PC?

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#2 jimmzeh
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

I will tackle this in the same format you used to write it.

The Games

You left out many great 360 titles, evidently since they are not "top-tier" titles, and yet you listed many PS3 titles that will most likely fall into the "good, not great" category. You then showed your true colors by repeatedly putting down 360 games in comparison to PS3 games. In a "factual" thread, generally you leave your own bias and preference out of it.


I more or less agree here, but still, there is little denying that Sony probably made an error in creating a system architecture that is as confusing and as complicated as the PS3's. If they would have designed their architecture with more developer-friendly goals in mind, you would not have witnessed this gap in the games performances or appearances.

Other (for want of a better word)

  • Less than 1% of PS3's are defective, 33% of Xbox 360's are defective. Do you really want to buy a console knowing that every one in three will stop working?
  • The 360 is repaired for free if this happens to you. You make it seem like MS just says, "Screw you" if your system RRoDs.
  • PS3 is a Blu-Ray player, which cost something like $600 by themselves. Xbox 360 requires a HD DVD add on which costs $180.
  • To play HD movies. I love Blu-Ray, but I can clearly see its the minority format, and has little market appeal at this stage.
  • PS3 is Folding @home capable, Linux capable, 3rd party Blue-tooth (keyboards, headsets) capable, and WiFi capable. 360 supports none of these (AFAIK) except a wireless adaptor (WiFi) can be purchased for $100.
  • Foldin@Home is noble, but does not make the system a better game platform, neither does Linux. Linux makes it a poor PC. As for keyboard and mouse, the 360 can support USB devices, but obviously not Bluetooth devices.
  • PS3 uses Dolby TrueHD, 360 does not.
  • This is a plus to the PS3, but the differences I have experienced are slight.
  • PSN is free online with dedicated servers, XBL is $50 a year with no dedicated servers (AFAIK).
  • And this is true, but fails to take in the quality of each service. Until you have used both extensively, you should not complain about either.
  • PS3 controller can be charged via the console, 360 controllers require change of batteries each time.
  • True, but the Play and Charge kit is available on the 360, as is rechargable batteries. My gripe with the PS3's charging setup, what is with the 3 foot USB cable they supply? To charge and play, I have to just about sit on top of the PS3.
  • PS3 games are Blu-Ray media, holding about 50GB worth of game information, making for some kick-ass lengthy RPG's (enter FFXIII) and quality, uncompressed audio. 360 games are Dual Layered DVDs holding a maximum of 9GB.
  • And we have yet to see something on either platform that shows that Blu-Ray is a necessity, or that Blu-Ray allows for more epic games.
  • PS3 uses HDMI 1.3, 360 uses HDMI 1.2
  • Ok. There is not that great of a difference here.

I love my 360, but I also love my Wii and PS3. Your "factual" thread is nothing more than talking up the PS3 by selectively choosing things that compare it favorably to the 360. Its been done on all the sides of the console war, and is in no way "deep" or unbiased.

If you wanted to examine the PS3, you could have done so in more depth, and discussed is merits as well as its deficits. When all you do is praise, you come off as being very slanted.


I will tackle this in the same format you used to tackle my OP.


Allow me to rewrite that list for 360:

Halo 3 (probable PC port)

Mass Effect

Forza 2

Project Gotham Racing 4

Banjo Threeie

Too Human

Fable 2

Lost Odyssey (I hadn't heard of this game until I made this thread)

Alan Wake

Please tell me the many great games I left out that are exclusive to 360 (not PC). You will notice that after that list I wrote "Now personally", indicating my subjective opinion and nothing factual. I acknowledge that if you don't want to play games on a PC then the 360 is your only option for games like GeOW, BioShock and Quake 4. I for one prefer PC gaming to any other platform, and would not miss out on games such as these, yet PS3 exclusives are only available on PS3.


I think we are in agreeance here, although I don't think the architecture is necessarily a flaw in the system, it is just a unique cell for devs to work with.


  • Yes replacement is free but it says something about the quality of the hardware your using does it not? And isn't it kind of annoying having to contact customer service and then wait for the new one etc., I don't know since I don't own a 360.
  • Well I would rather have a Blu-Ray play built-in than having to spend $180 on a HD DVD player add-on. Plus, how do you figure Blu-Ray is the minority? I think something like 80% of brand names are supporting Blu-Ray over HDDVD, Blockbuster are solely stocking Blu-Ray, although I might be completely wrong here...
  • These are just accessories, I never said they totally transform the system or anything.
  • TrueHD, yes a small bonus.
  • My main point here was that PSN is free, even while $50 is hardly much, its just a little bonus. I'm not experienced enough in either service to say which one is better.
  • I'll skip the charging and HDMI and move onto the Blu-Ray; you are correct, but I'm still hoping in future that the extra space will be put to good use.

I tried to remain as impartial as I could, and I was intentionally omitting the flaws with PS3 so as to highlight all the good things about it. I did acknowledge it's current library being somewhat weak, and IMO there are not many other flaws with it. Price is often attacked but I think you are getting a good deal with integrated Blu-Ray player (very expensive by themselves), WiFi ($100 for 360), Controller charging ($30 for 360), Free online ($50x for 360, where x = number of years played). The architecture is very unique and will take some getting used to for devs, but hopefully time will solve this problem.

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#3 jimmzeh
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

^Sorry I got no idea when it's being released, some magazine "confirmed" it is being developed but I can't honestly back that up.


Soz, I meant I am new to this site, not gaming in general.

I just made this thread because I had visited this board a bit and found the topics were predominantly anti-PS3.

And I found Folding @ Home warranted a mention for its worthy cause, but you are correct it is completely irrelevant to the gaming.

(And yeah specification might have been a better word choice in that instance :))

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#4 jimmzeh
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Hmmm...there are a few problems with your "Other" notes:

- The "33%" fail rate is based solely on ONE GameStop employee's estimate.

I challenge any1 to find me an article stating a 33% fail rate that doesn't use this as their source.

- It's great that PSN is free...but I only have to work like 15 seconds/day to pay for XBL :P

Also, there's only about 3 games that offer true dedicated servers...all SCE 1st party games.

- The "controller-charging" argument is moot until Sony lets me charge my DS3 WITHOUT LEAVING MY SYSTEM ON :evil:

- Blu-Ray has contributed nothing to game length yet...PS3 exclusives are all ridiculously short. I doubt FFXIII will be any longer than FFXII...


Anyway...I love my ps3...but it's definitely a let-down so far in the games department.

I bought a ps3 based mainly on the promise of quality jRPGs...

This year we get White Knight Chronicles...and??? Disgaea 3? Maybe...but no NA release yet :(

Meanwhile, the big-bad-totally-evil American company is churning out Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, Cry On...who saw this coming??? :|

For someone that doesn't play FPS (like me :)), the ps3's 2008 lineup is pretty weak after MGS4 :(


I was unaware of this 33% estimate thing... still, I have read countless posts where people are upset that they have gone through 3 or 4 360s. I'd say you would be lucky to get 2 years out of a 360, and yet there is no such PS3 equivalent to the RRoD.

XBL is cheap, I would not mind paying the $80 (AUD) a year if the service was vastly superior to PSN. However with the upcoming introduction of Home, I doubt there will be very much difference in the two.

Sorry, I don't understand how you expect to charge your DS3 without leaving the system on... it's got to use some kind of PSU does it not?

And I hope they eventually utilize the vast space on the Blu-Ray discs to make some lengthy campaigns, especially for RPGs like FFXIII and White Knight. They probably should have done this already for exclusives, but the PS3 is still young, patience is a virtue my young padawan.

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#5 jimmzeh
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

PS3's Realistic 08

Metal Gear Solid 4


Killzone 2


Resistance 2

GT Prolouge

Wii Realistic 08

Mario Kart Wii

Super Smash Brothers Brawl

DQ Swords

Bomberman Land

No More Heroes (Oh wait that's AAA, something PS3 hasn't done)

360 Realistic 08

Alan Wake

Halo Wars

Ninja Gaiden 2

Too Human

Fable 2

Lost Odyssey

to say the ps3 line up is so much better than anyone else in 08 is very fan boyish. they all have great line ups. and notice......the ps3 has more shooters.....gasp....


I didn't just say the PS3 line-up for '08 is better and leave it at that, I listed all the games released or unreleased that are exclusive to PS3 and worth playing (IMO).

PS3 has a great line-up for 2008, I notice you omitted Tekken 6, GT5, White Knight Chronicles and WarDevil (if you haven't heard of it go to the website and look at the screenys it looks cool).

To be honest, the only games I am interested in from the Wii60 list are SSBB, Alan Wake (partially), Too Human, Fable 2 and Lost Odyssey. Again, its all personal preference, and I take into account 2009 games as well, like FFXIII and GoW3, which should both kick ass.

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#6 jimmzeh
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

yeah because the 360 only has 6 games coming out in 2008/2009 right?

more just wait.......guess what, oppurtunity doesn't wait, and gamers aren't patient

there are no exact release dates on most of those games, and you can't really predict that 360/wii won't have killer titles..

gears of war 2 perhaps? Well i could put it on a 08 list, and try to claim ownage but let's just wait for release dates.


Ok, I challenge you to come up with a killer 08/09 list for 360 or Wii.

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#7 jimmzeh
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Dude I own a PS3 and I was just shaking my head at some of these things. Not only are you leaving out a lot of games on the 360, but what's the difference between HDMI 1.3 and 1.2? How does Linux and Folding @ Home make video gaming on the PS3 a must?

I consider myself a hardcore gamer, but when I look at these things, I just can't help but get a feeling of 'whatever'.

Enjoy what you have, and don't let what others tell you affect you.


Please tell me which games I am leaving out. HDMI 1.3 and Folding @ Home are just extra technical proficiencies that some computing experts would appreciate, you are correct they do not neccessitate enhanced gaming.

Btw, thank you unreal48! And to wii60 (appropriately named I think), sorry I'm new here I don't know what cows and lemmings and all that are, and I didn't realise these things get posted so often.

Whether you want to accept it or not, all of those PC/360 games do count, because most of the time, or in fact I should say, all of the time, they do sell more copies on the 360 version than they do on the PC. For console gamers who can't afford to purchase a gaming rig, the 360 becomes a cheap alternative that works for them. Games like Gears of War, Alan Wake, Lost Odyssey, ect. Deserve to be noticed because they are essentially only avialable to console owners via a 360.

Being a PC gamer and PS3 owner, I can honestly say that the PS3 has some really neat things that I do appriciate, but others that really don't add to any gaming experience at all.

Ok, fair enough. I was speaking from a personal standpoint in saying that I would rather play those PC available games on my PC. Maybe people would rather play those games on their console, and I acknowledge that.

Even so, if I added BioShock, GeOW, Alan Wake, Quake 4 etc to the 360 list, I still maintain that the PS3 list is considerably better.

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#9 jimmzeh
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Dude I own a PS3 and I was just shaking my head at some of these things. Not only are you leaving out a lot of games on the 360, but what's the difference between HDMI 1.3 and 1.2? How does Linux and Folding @ Home make video gaming on the PS3 a must?

I consider myself a hardcore gamer, but when I look at these things, I just can't help but get a feeling of 'whatever'.

Enjoy what you have, and don't let what others tell you affect you.


Please tell me which games I am leaving out. HDMI 1.3 and Folding @ Home are just extra technical proficiencies that some computing experts would appreciate, you are correct they do not neccessitate enhanced gaming.

Btw, thank you unreal48! And to wii60 (appropriately named I think), sorry I'm new here I don't know what cows and lemmings and all that are, and I didn't realise these things get posted so often.

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#10 jimmzeh
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

This a long post about the PS3 in all its underappreciated glory. Read if you have a bit of time.

From what I've seen around here, there seems to be a lot of Wii60 fans who continually rip on the PS3. I'm going to try to defend PS3 with as much logic and reasoning and as little fanboyism as I can muster.

The Games

Ok, so a common target for PS3 is it's game library, or supposed lack thereof. 2007 may have been a mediocre year for PS3 game-wise, but look at the titles it has coming out in 2008/2009! Here's a quick list of released/coming soon titles for PS3 that are looking damn tasty.

Metal Gear Solid 4

Final Fantasy XIII (+ Versus)


Gran Turismo 5

God of War 3 (*drool everywhere*)



Killzone 2

Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Heavenly Sword

Jak and Daxter

Ratchet and Clank



MotorStorm 2



Tekken 6

White Knight Chronicles

Zone of the Enders 3

Resistance: Fall of Man

Resistance 2


I guess game preference is a subjective thing, but to me those games look great, and I can't wait to play the ones coming out in 2008. PS3 does ask a little patience of its fanbase, but come 2009 the rewards will be fantastic, and there will be enough games released in the meantime to keep everyone going.

Xbox 360, on the other hand, does not have such a long list of games that I could not just get on my PC. Granted, some people prefer console gaming to PC, but given the choice I will choose PC anyday, and so 360 does not pose such an intimidating list of exclusives. Here is a list I have compiled of 360 games worth playing that aren't available on PC.

Halo 3 (probable PC release anyway)

Mass Effect

Ninja Gaiden 2

Forza 2

Project Gotham Racing 4

Banjo Threeie

Too Human

Fable 2


Now personally, I love my Gran Turismo, and would rather have GT5 than either Forza 2 or PGR4. Ninja Gaiden 2, well theres Ninja Gaiden Sigma on the other side so not such a big loss, and Halo 3 will probably be released on PC in the not-too-distant future anyway. So we are left with Mass Effect, Banjo Threeie, Too Human and Fable 2, regrettable losses indeed but held alongside that mega PS3 list above and they pale in comparison. Bear in mind I did leave out GeOW and other 360 games available on PC, just to illustrate that if you bought a PS3 you could still play these games on another (better) platform.


Now a lot of people will tell you that PS3 graphics aren't as smooth as the 360's, but I researched this and the reason for this is the devs aren't used to programming games for PS3 yet. Do not forget it is a year younger than 360. However anyone who has played Uncharted or Heavenly Sword will testify to the graphical brilliance the PS3 can produce, and it is only a matter of time before multiplats will start looking equally as good, if not better on PS3, negating the whole "360 GFX >>>> PS3 FTW!" argument.

Other (for want of a better word)

  • Less than 1% of PS3's are defective, 33% of Xbox 360's are defective. Do you really want to buy a console knowing that every one in three will stop working?
  • PS3 is a Blu-Ray player, which cost something like $600 by themselves. Xbox 360 requires a HD DVD add on which costs $180.
  • PS3 is Folding @home capable, Linux capable, 3rd party Blue-tooth (keyboards, headsets) capable, and WiFi capable. 360 supports none of these (AFAIK) except a wireless adaptor (WiFi) can be purchased for $100.
  • PS3 uses Dolby TrueHD, 360 does not.
  • PSN is free online with dedicated servers, XBL is $50 a year with no dedicated servers (AFAIK).
  • PS3 controller can be charged via the console, 360 controllers require change of batteries each time.
  • PS3 games are Blu-Ray media, holding about 50GB worth of game information, making for some kick-ass lengthy RPG's (enter FFXIII) and quality, uncompressed audio. 360 games are Dual Layered DVDs holding a maximum of 9GB.
  • PS3 uses HDMI 1.3, 360 uses HDMI 1.2

So I think thats the end of my rant, please reply if there are any inaccuracies in there, or with any counter-arguments you have :)

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