The PlayStation 4. Its literally THE perfect system to own and game on this generation! the verity of games it has is pure awesomeness, the controller is amazing, the UI is clean and easy to understand and oh my god the features this console provide are pure addiction i am simply addicted to the Share feature AND Share Factory literally my YouTube channel growing because of epic recording ability of my PS4 AND ease of recording, editing and uploading directly to YouTube at anytime!
PlayStation4 is is just epicness everywhere you look at it, it has JRPG's support all over the place, it has THE BEST 3rd party support and 3rd party exclusivity all over the place from games like destiny (literally all the exclusive content are on PlayStation, destiny fans on xbox cry on the bungie forums all the time lel) to call of duty to star wars and more! PS+ oh boy thats a whole different story! owning PS3, Vita and PS4 thats literally like 6 to 7 games to get every single month.
PS4 is the gamers choice for gaming this generation.
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