jk212's forum posts
im not argueing over multiplat games nthat stuff, im talking exclusives, and im talking 08, heres a list of full games(not braid) exclusives that were out this year, add to the list because im only aware of these games cuz thous are the only games i played.
PS3 / 360
1. metal gear solid 4 / gears of war 2
2. little big planet / fable 2
3. resistance 2 / ...tales of vesperia?
4. valky chronicles / ...uh...hm let me check lolz...oh banjo nuts n bolts
5. pacific rift(maybe just me) / i give up..oh wait ninja gaiden 2 was pretty fun
6. ya thats about all the exclusives i played this year, i would list wii but man i hate my wii, no good games imo(gamecube controller doesnt work so i sux at brawl) give me more and/or tell me who you thought won 08, ps3 or 360? sorry if this was posted 100 times in the last 2 days, i never get to post anything so gimmy some love
i am only able to buy 1 game this month, now my top 3 are far cry 2, LBP, and Resistance 2, i like all 3 and im sure ill have loads of play time im just not sure which one to get, i want peoples opinions on the matter of which one to choose, or if they have any other suggestions of games that im not aware of that might be a possible choice (already have mgs4 and gta4)
edit: i also dont like racing games and i can download far cry 2 for pc its just i want to play online since fps shooters are always fun in multi
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