Its taken me all day but I finally got the right image to show. Every time I tried to post this the one without the words added would show. Any way sorry for the delay.
joeadonis1's forum posts
Anybody here like Zero Punctuation?DrAwesomeMD
No... I like lots and lots of... punctuation!!!!
I am sorry to say fs HAS in fact been banned from GS.
I went to his profile to check and he has been banned.
Does anyone know why?
Ehm, can you still do the signature for me? As I asked. Not sure if your working on it or anything. But as I have said before, take your time. : )TheForgotten0ne
Its been a while since I made an interface. What do you want in the button areas?
The closest you can get on Gamespot. 4 images each with a different link. It's possible to do it with HTML but Gamespot blocks most HTML, I already tried.
It seems that it can be done indeed. I stand corrected. Good job.
About time someone created a topic like this :P. Here are my links for the images i want, much appreciated:
If you need to know where to send it, my e-mail address is Have any questions, you know how to reach me:)
There are too many images for anything other than a banner But Im not sure if thats what you want. If you could be more specific, then I could get to work on it.
All Your Base Are Belong To Us!!!
Ok. so its not from FF. But its so great it transends any title.
And theres allways the Spoony Bard quote. I like that one too.
It's me again, I was wondering if you could so something tricky for me, I have no idea if it can be done, but I kinda hope it can.
I want a sig and (yeah, I know I ask for many things : ( ) a union header (or what it's called.)
As you can see I have a signature under here, it's what someone made, but I was thinking that you maybe could do something like that, but if it was possible to maybe make it possible to do so that you could press on Games and come to the Game thread, Movies to go to the movie thread and the same for music. And if it was possible, to get books in there aswell.
I have no idea if this is possible, and you can make the signature yourself, NO NEED to use the ione I have here, it's just an example that someone made.
And before you make it or even concider it, just answer me if what I asked for is even possible.
Making a multifunction image is apparentlly beyond my skills. Ive tried everything I can think of, but no luck. I can still do a normal sig and header if you would like.
For Angelbless.
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