We could sit here and argue whether God of War 4 or Gears 4 looked better and more fun, and do that for every single game down the list, and just remain here forever arguing.
Or we could look at E3 and try to guess how much MS/Sony's shows will affect the minds of the millions of gamers out there who still haven't bought a console. Are they buying a PS4 or Xbox One in the next 6-12 months? Did Sony or MS do a better job ensuring a noticeable sales boost post-E3?
Looking at the next year, Sony seems to be the one who has done more successful galvanizing (as always). Not every announcement or demo was that exciting, but overall, yeah....I can see more people "awakening" and moving towards the PS4. PSVR is written off by Lemmings, but then they're all excited about Scorpio having VR capabilities (after saying console VR will always be trash - hypocrites).
When I look at MS's collective E3 stuff, all I see are the same dismal sales. It's like nothing will change. They didn't even have to show up for E3. Or they could've put on two E3 shows. It doesn't seem to do anything for sales. The Xbox One is just waiting for Gears 4 as their financial shot in the arm, and even that game hasn't proven much in its demos, and hasn't shown that it's improved on the gameplay, scale or story for the Gears universe. It could be a hit and sell over 5-6 million, or it could be Judgment 2.0, and Coalition's personal "Quantum Break." People say the God of War 4 trailer was disappointing. Gears 4 is coming out sooner, and still didn't show much change, outside of weather. WOOW.
MS, announcing every game for the X1 and PC as well, and announcing Scorpio for 2017, means X1 sales are going to look terrible. It's going to be phased out in favor of the Scorpio. No one wants to pay $300 for the weakest version these days, if they can pay $350 and get a Scorpio. Say goodbye to the original Xbox One. Lemmings promised that big box would do wonders. They promise more aggressively after every damn E3. Nothing happens. Xbox One just sits there, in the PS4's shadow. LMAO!! Lemmings are delusional.
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