@SonyPSP. You got it all wrong. Do you know why Devs make games on the PS3 frist??? Not that its just hard but its like taking 512 gals of water and dumping it in to something that hold 380 gal. It's better to port over a game for the 360 becouse they can fix, add and in the end make the game look better and it makes the PS3 game look like the poert. Look at GTA. That was a port from the ps3 but... it was still done from the ground up for the 360 and it looks better. want more??? Dead Space is a port and it looks better on the 360, want more??? When ever FF come out on the PS3 and 360 it will be a port from the PS3 I it looks the same and they even say it almost looks better on the 360. I can keep going if you want..
@SonyPSP and MTMind2. The 360 also runs 1080i as well. More 360 games run at 1080p or 1080i. most frist gen 360 games ran at 740, after a year games ran at 1080p. Well halo 3 ran at 680 or something like that. If a game runs at 1080p or i on a game system, the odds are that the game well only get about 30-40 FPS. PS3 would have a harder time keeping up becouse the video card has 285 of ram but can get its self 128 more if needed. so that would put the PS3 at a total of 384 mb of ram. But the 360 has 512 mb of ram plus 10 but can only use up to 480 giver or take mn of ram for video. Now some sony fan boy might say to me about this is... "but the ram in the PS3 is faster" Yes this is true but the Nvidia card has 28 piplines to work with and the 360 has 48. If I had to put one of these cards in my computer I would go with the 360's card becouse of the ram size pipleline it has. Like my computer I have now. I could have got a video card with less ram but faster ram. Nut I went with the one that had more ram. If you read benchmarks on video cards, some most of the time the cards with more ram is faster than the cards faster but less ram. Thats is the truth. @MTMind2. Mac is better at video editing and as a music studio. But PC owns when it comes to games. Both are good.
@Parn85. This is a graphics fight. Not game play fight. So this part of the page is just for graphics. Graphics are a big part of game play. The way thing act around you and the way things movie. Think about it like this. Play a FPS. Walk up to a wall and shut it, and see how real it looks and how it makes feel like you are in that world. Now take that same game and take away the looks away from that wall and you will get a wall that looks like jack was done to it even if you blow it up. Think about taking some one down in a game. It's better and alot more fun to see what you are hitting and you get to see the blood or some poor guys head get blow off. Take that game and take away from the blood or the way the head will blow off. No really fun any more. Or if you are taking some one down with a sniper, you might not be able to tell what the hell you are going to hit and the pay off would just suck. Lets take MGS4's game play and run it on a NES. Not fun any more. If gears had the NES look but played the same, it would suck.
@Gubitz. get a brain and read up on way Blu-Ray can give a system better looks. Its about hardware. I have a PS3 a 360 and the wii. Games on 360 look better!!! Blu-Ray can hole more info but cant make games look better or play better. Just makes them longer. Sony used Blu-Ray not just for Movie but they dont want to zip games. The sound files are bigger on most games than the game its self. So the PS3 has better sound, not better looking games. Maybe longer game. It's not are falt that the PS3 is over rated and did not live up to its name.
@fantasyfacade. So true. you can rent movies and brun them, steel music, movies, games. Best of all. You can get PORN!!! WOOOO PORN! Cant download that on 360 or PS3!
I hope halo wars comes out on PC. RTS feels better on PC. As for the Blu-Ray making games look better...LMAF!!!!! It's the hardware and the PS3 has a wuss video card! Now I own all 3 game systems and a killer PC and yes games look better on PC but it sucks to up grade 1-2 times a year just to play new games down the road. Buy a $500 video card, a fast CPU and lots of ram=crap down the road. what really kills me is that a $500 video card ends up $99 bucks in a year and than you need to spend even more later to play some power wanting hardware game. Thats why alot of people wont do PC gaming. This is my rig. Intel Core i7 965 Processor Extreme Edition BX80601965 (wast of money) 3 GeForce 280 GTX, 8 gigs of DDR3 Ram. In a year from now my PC will be a joke, and the 360 will run new games just fine. Now tell me, how is the PS3 better?
@PumpkinBoogie. The point was to have high end parts. If your going to put PC head to head with PS3 and 360 than they need to have high end. We know that the Video card in the PC is better, and all the other parts. But look at the PS3. Most of the games look like azz and most of the people on here are telling people that PS3 is better. When it comes down to it, if you have the cash PC is the way to go. If not, well get a 360. Just dont wast ur cash on a Core i7 965 Processor Extreme Edition BX80601965
I have dark space for PS3 and a friend has it for 360. We both have the same tv and use HDMI. Dead space for 360 looks way better. even GTA looks better on 360. The only thing that hurts PC gaming is the hardware. If you wanna run games at high you need to pay alot more, but in a few short years later games start to use even more power and newer games wont play so well. I have a Intel Core i7 965 Processor Extreme Edition BX80601965 (wast of money) 3 GeForce 280 GTX, 8 gigs of DDR3 Ram. Yes its a crazy rig. Sad part is, by late next year all the of gotta get games wont play so well on it. I use my computer more for video rendering and a music studio for my self.
Dedodido is kind of right. Most games at this time on PS3 and 360 run under 1080. Also of 360 games are now running in 1080i But not all games will. Any games with fast moving game play will not be 1080, PS3 and 360 would drop frames like crazy. the 360 would do better but better is still not good. If they ran games on PS3 and 360 at 1080, games would run 30 and under fps. That you can find on the net your self.
corte005... Even the guys from Epic say that graphics is a big part of game play. When you make a kill I want it look good. I want to be able to make out what I'm hitting and the details with it. GTA look like crap on PS3 as well!! everything is fuzzy.
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