What other games have you played? If all you've played are two arguablyawesome tech demos and just read some reviews, you really are missing the "everyone" part of the Wii.
The Wii has games that are marketed to most every group imaginable. You've played the two biggest "everyone" games, but have you played Trauma Centre, Godfather, Scarface, Excite Truck, Resident Evil 4, Zelda TP, Super Paper Mario, Warioware, SSX Blur, Madden '07, or even some games that reviewed poorly like Red Steel or Spiderman 3? I've played all of them and I have to emphatically disagree with you that the Wii is just targetted to casuals and as a party system. Yes, it's great at parties, even with girls, but it also delivers a really fun and engaging single player experience. Really epic games will have to wait until developers kick into gear (Resident Evil 4 shows that games with huge,high qualityscopes are highly possible on Wii).
Mind you, as others have posted, there will be people who do not enjoy the Wii. Just look at the rest of System Wars. In my own experiences with people I know, they are the exception rather than the rule. In fact, so far, I have not personally met anyone that dislikes the Wii after having tried it out.
In short, there are games for all kinds of gamers here now and in the future. The problem for me is budgeting enough money to get them all.
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