I like how the reviewer says each character gets boring quickly even though there are multiple ways to spec and gear each character. However, there is only 1 way to play each character in Overwatch and yet nobody says that the characters in Overwatch are simplistic and get boring easy.
To me it's just the failure of the reviewer to realize just how important the subtleties of the gear and specs are for each map or situation. I have over 20 hrs just playing Oscar Mike and yet I"m still discovering new ways to play him, and he's one of the most basic and easiest characters to play in the game.
@cboye18: Check out 144hz monitors, those support up to 144 fps. The game can only update every hertz, so faster hz monitor is smoother and there is less delay input because it updates faster.
For Battleborn I'd like to see the reviewer dive in on Advanced and Hardcore mode for the single player missions. I also want to hear him talk about the increased loot rate drops and legendary gear and other differences between normal difficulty and Advanced difficulty.
As for mp potion I'd like to hear the reviewer talk about the effects of activating your gear vs upgrading turrets early on and if he feels it is a balanced solution to having tiered loot drops in a mp game. In other words, I'd like to read a review that really explores every facet of the game and not just blowing through single player on normal and playing a few matches of mp.
I have both and I much prefer The Evil Within. The Evil Within is like a longer version of Dead Space 2, a 15-20 hr roller coaster ride. There's a large variety of upgrades, weapons, and mechanics for you to mess around with. Alien is just hiding under tables and closets with a motion tracker.
Do you want a 20 hour Outlast game (Alien Isolation) or 20 hour Dead Space 2 (The Evil Within)
Also, Evil Within has new game+, unlockable weapons, and 2 new difficulties after you beat the game.
I didn't say the plot was good, I said the plot was an average video game plot. It's prone to more misunderstandings because of the dream like nature of the world than your typical X is a bad guy, kill X plot.
However, I also think the plot is very interesting and made me curious for the entire length of the game. Which is the most important function of the plot, which is to drive the player to keep playing to try to figure out what is happening.
Also, the plot makes sense. I can tell you the importance of Leslie, Kidman, Ruvik, The Dr. and what happens to all of them at the end of the game.
That's the thing, this game is a game that should be kept. I liken it to a longer Dead Space 2, a really fun roller coaster ride that lasts around 15-20 hrs.
I'm willing to bet you'll want to play the game again after you beat it on new game+ or a higher difficulty because the combat and upgrades are so fun. There's also story dlc coming out for it which will expand more on the story.
The score is important because many people will not buy a game that scores a 7 even though it plays like a 8-9.
His biggest problem seems to be with the story, he calls it really bad and nonsensical. I have to disagree, I could explain the entire plot and it would all make sense but I don't want to spoil it for the rest of the people who want to play this game.
So according to the reviewer it's a great game with awesome combat and mechanics, atmosphere and sound. Yet, it only scores a 7 even though it only has a few blemishes.
Sorry, the story was not bad and made complete sense if you read the collectibles. It was not a great story, just average for a video game story.
This game should have gotten at least an 8.
Also, the reviewer never mentioned how replayable the game is with unlocked difficulties and new game+.
johnked6's comments