Welcome to the Dark SideWe'll be handing out cookies shortly.The PC version of GTAIV should be decent. ther are a lot of good games out there, it all depends on the type of game.itwiz90damit i was gunna say somthing like that :cry:
since socom is tps i picked my favorit fps which is killzone 2if u would have just said shooter,then i would have picked socom
[QUOTE="starmetroid"]PS2 is beating PS3...-Wheels-I guess some people don't have depth perception. :? lol
Read the "Sony's Show" article IGN posted after E3. And tbh Bad Company is crap. That game has nothing on the PC BF games.gollum007link?
do fps always have to be unique?look at call of dutty 4,it really brought nothing new to the table,but its was fun anyway really as long as its fun,i wont care if it does'nt set its self apart from others i think this game is deffenitly gunna be great,but theres noway it will reach its hype no game is as good as the hype it gets
Yeah, it kinda changes day to day. Never affects me anyway. I'm a lover not a hater. Except when it comes to cows. I hate cows. :PI'm kidding though. Can't make a joke around here anymore :|Skittles_McGee:lol:no u really can't make jokes enymore this "war" has gotten waaay to serious both sides have had serious casualtys can't we all just get along :)
Cows have finished Metal Gear Solid 4 and are bored again.atarigradnot me acually,when i got done with mgs4,i moved to mgo :P
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