yeah you can load your previous character, it keeps your levels, skills(for shepard anyway) and inventory. I dont think reaching lvl 60 on 1 playthrough is possiblef5lesnar2000
I'm on my 3rd playthrough and on lvl 59, just leaving the Citadel for the 1st time so I should hit 60 this playthroughf5lesnar2000
Please forgive my ignorance, but when you beat the game and start an new game, can you keep your character?? This post makes me think that this is the case...
advice (this is what I did).... GO TO A GHETTO GAMESTOP.
I went to one in a black area and they had 2 in stock (sold out everywhere else)... but 2 days later I found out someone was trying to charge $800 to my credit card... maybe they stole my credit card number or something. Oh well, got my money back and a GH3 wireless.
If you want sold out stuff... go to ghetto store locations.
That, I'm not certian about. If you bought an extended warranty from the store where you bought it, then just return it there and get a new one. If not, you may have to wait until you get the RROD (not certian).
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