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#1 jonny58182
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts

Come on guys, a lot of you are complaining saying that you don't use your mics because of paople talking c**p or swearing a lot. If you go onto the audio settings you can mute their mics so that you don't hear them.

I hate playing Warhawk or COD4 and there is nobody speaking. How are you supposed to win a CTF game when you can't work as a team?

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#2 jonny58182
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts

I reckon that on the next installment of Warhawk we should get some new weapons. Don't get me wrong its hard to improve on perfection, but I think that if we could choose the type of weapon, i.e. different knives and rocket launchers, it could make it more fun.

I also think that they could bring boats into the game. You could include big ships that you can land Warhawks on. It would also be a great way to get into a strategic position.

I also think that they could make it into a type of world war. Instead of having just two teams fighting, why not four or six at the same time. If Resistance 2 is capable of having up to sixty people at once it would be easy to have four teams of 15 people.

Let me know what your ideas are?

PSN jonzz

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#3 jonny58182
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts

Ever since the last PS3 update mine freezes constantly. It's a real pain in the a**. Especially when your doing really well on Warhawk.

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#4 jonny58182
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts

I have tried all of them.

I hope that the new patch is released soon, other than warhawk this is the only game I play online.

Does anyone know who to contact to resolve gaming problems like these?

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#5 jonny58182
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts

Hi Guys

I want to know what the problem is with COD4. Whenever I try and play online all I get is the dreaded "Downloading Game Settings" screen and then it goes no further. Looking on a certain search engine earlier this issue was "supposedly fixed" during December when they released a patch for the servers.

Don't get me started about trying to invite your friends into a game, all it does is errors and brings you right back to the main screen. I can't even invite them into my party.

Why is it that these companies work wonders when it comes to Xbox but for us PS3 gamers we seem to be left in the lurch.

Is anyone else having these problems? If anyone knows how to solve them, without buying an Xbox :), please let me know.

PSN: jonzz