Well, the level of detail is one of the things that really amazed me. But then, I just figure that mass effect 2 has far more enviroments , characters....so, obviusly it couldn't have all that level of detail and interaction. and unlike mass effect 3, it's quite amazing what you can do in all these city hubs.
As I said, I think Deus Ex HR benefits for having a more compact story, with more closed enviroments. Both in the storytelling and interactivity. ( exploring a random appartment and finiding a VIP card to enter to The Hive instead of infiltrating or paying for it. it was brilliant).
Mass effect 2 simply can not compite with deus ex HR at that level for the things I said ahead, a much larger universe. And even with that, you can do a lot of things there.
I also think, both have a lot of RPG elements. diferent one from another. Weapon and armor (body) customization is better in Deus, but Kharma, Personal relationships, choices and strategy elements in combat, are real winner in Mass effect 2.
I just couldn't say wich one I love the most. But being honest, In an advanced play I feel Im more addicted to mass effect 2 than to DEHR. For example, I was 4 hours straigh to tali loyalty mission, to the collectors ship and then that little graphic adventure Samara's loyalty mission (basic instinc, species anyone) ?! was. Bu I tried Deus Ex and again hidding into the descks and air conducts to be killed with one single shot. Only if the shooter elements were a little bit more balanced with the steath...Maybe it's my faul. because the steath thing requires patience I don't have....
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