What is happening in that picture? why is the soldier touching the alien monster? isn't the alien's blood acid? the other soldier will kill the alien AND his fellow soldier because of the acid!
@BestJinjo You forget that it doesn't matter how powerful or flexible the ps4 is, all the ports it will get will be on par or worse than the xbox 720 as long as it has the lead.
Jesus ****, making a good game IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!
They still can't see past the money. "Oh the game didn't sell as expected". They don't even give a shit if the game is good or not. They just care about the sales.
Instead of saying "We didn't sell enough copies" say something like "OUR GAME SUCKED, WE FIRED THE TEAM INVOLVED AND HIRED SOMEONE THAT WILL DO BETTER".
To make good art, you need an artist, not a fucking sales manager.
jorge69696's comments