The Future of Gaming
After experimenting with some hardware from this gen, I came to pondering on the fact: what will games be like in 100 years? Will they be virtual simulators with unbelievable capabilities, mega computers with endless amounts of storage, or will the graphics be nothing short of... perfect? No one really knows, but I will take a stab in the dark:
Let's face it; a lot can happen in 100 years. The world went from covered wagons to airplanes in a rather short time, so what could be achieved in gaming? Not only can a lot happen in 100 years, but look at the great deal that has already been accomplished in gaming. I'm sure by now, your saying, "get to the topic," so here I go:
One thing that will happen at 100 years from now is people will start to realize we need to go green. I think the systems, of the time, will be much more easily powered. I might, go as far as saying, battery powered! I am talking about home consoles, so this would be a huge leap in using less power. Not only would these systems use less, they would also be a sufficient amount smaller. Picture, in your head, a PS2 slim with the capabilities of a super computer. What I really am getting at, is the environment will need help 100 years from now.
So what makers will still be leading the charge in 100 years? Of course this is just a complete and wild guess, but... Nintendo, Sega and Sony will be the 3 large game console production companies.
SEGA (remember, this 100 years from now)
We all know that Sega dropped off the game system market after the release of the Dreamcast (what a wonderful console, might I add). Sega will be struggling with some kind of recession in the economy when they make a system to try to stay a' float. They will call the system the Master System 2 (it will be a hit!). The Master System 2, a home computer at heart, will plug in to the TV. It will have over 1000 GB of internal memory, but regardless, it will be very small (about the size of the original PS2). Its games will be in the form of a SD card, similar in structure. Of this gen, the Master System 2 lacks battery pack compatibility. It is criticized in the Gamespot System Wars Forum, due to the fact that you have to plug it in. Sega continues to make Sonic games, but they aren't as popular as they were back in the 1990's.
Fun Fact: Only 5 people in the world own a Master System 1 and 2, considering the fact that they both have to work.
The year is 2110 and Sony continues to make great systems. Their latest system, alongside the Master System 2, is known as the PlayStation Evolution. People continue to buy the "PlayStation" through the continuous unoriginality of Sony's names for their consoles. Of the gen, the PlayStation Evolution is regarded as the best graphically inclined system. Its graphics are no different than that of a photograph. The games are still in the form of disks, which promotes complaints. The PlayStation Evolution gets an exclusive known as Sim Life. This game is soon regarded as one of the best games ever.
Fun Fact: Sony continued to call its consoles PlayStation followed by a number, all the way to 6. Ex. PlayStation 6
After the Wii, Nintendo went on a unique route. They ensured their systems would be active and fun for everyone. The system Nintendo releases in 2110, is the Nintendo U. The reason they went with a U for the title is quite simple, they wanted to integrate a feeling of you physically in the game. It is a great success, but it lacks to the 'hardcore' gamer. The games are in form of a small disk, similar to the GameCube. Some of the games on the Wii are: Mario Party 178, the Legend of Zelda: Return of Gandorf, and of course, Mario Universe 3.
Fun Fact: The Nintendo U doesn't have an actual controller, just clips that register your body movements and that is projected on screen.
Microsoft made a few consoles after the 360, but when Bill Gates Jr. makes a questionable investment, Microsoft soon goes under. The original Xbox, along with Halo: Combat Evolved, quickly go up in price, reaching 100,000 dollars.
Sony is the only company involved with handheld gaming 100 years from now. They release the PSEP, or PlayStation Evolution Portable. It contains graphics of the PS6. It sells amazingly well, but it's understandable because it's the only one on the market.
Handhelds are a lot different than they are now. The batteries last for 6 weeks, maybe more. Another great addition to handhelds is the fact that you buy games of the internet! You use a redeemable card, or credit/debit card and buy games right off the net!
Sim Life- With the enormous power of systems in 2110, they can support a very deep game. This is arguably the biggest game to come out in the 22nd century. It amazes people all over the world and Gamespot gives it a score of 10.0!
In the game you take control of yourself (made in a pregame editor). You control him/her through everyday life. The amazing thing about this game, is you can go anywhere in the world and practically do anything. You can imagine it got an ESRB rating of M, but the game is absolutely awe inspiring. Console: PlayStation Evolution
The Legend of Zelda: Return of Gandorf: Everyone who played and loved the Legend of Zelda series got a kick out of this game. This game finally gives people the length and difficulty they were asking for. A long storyline bundled with huge boss battles reminds the world of Ocarina of Time (still adored and remembered).
Sonic: Grandpa Edition: Sonic is one of the oldest characters in video game history at this point, so they do a semi-comedic game, that features Sonic as a grandpa. It is actually more popular than people expect and is nominated for game of the year.
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