A review without a number score? Doesn't seem like much of a review without one. Don't get me wrong...I appreciate the info...but don't be afraid to quantify it with a number GS.
@BassMan: Agreed. I'm waiting for the reviews and a first hand opinion from a trusted source would be great. I'll be getting one of the two after paying taxes...lucky dog Byshop...
Quantum Break for PC was an interesting bit of news this week. More so because of the original stated min/rec specs, but they've since been revised. I'm also curious to see just how many more PC games are going to require Windows 10 from here on out.
@louixiii: He'll always be known for having created Star Wars. The first 6 movies are, and always be his. And he got 4 billion from Disney after selling it. So far it looks like it's a win win situation for the both of them.
I don't know about this one. If I saw a cartridge based system sitting on a shelf next to a Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo system, I'd give it a nostalgic smile and then just keep looking at all the newer games by those consoles. Seems to me that any 8, 16, or 32 bit styled game (a la indie developers) could be done just as easily on a modern day console, which already has a huge install base. Nostalgia factor aside, everything about this system, at least to me anyways, says "kids toy".
joseph_mach's comments