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joshterd31 Blog

My Neighbors

If you want to here something gay then read this. well as you know it was the fourth of july weekend and me and my family wanted to light off some fireworks, so my brother got a bunch of motorshells and we launched them off, so then my neighbors go and call the cops on us, how stupid is that, the good thing is that they could not prove that it was us, so we just said that we where lighting off sparklers, and blamed it on the people in back of us. so was that a stupid reason to call the cops on us or not., post a comment to tell me what u think about that. 

Favorite Boss battle

Here is a blog where you can tell me your favorite boss battle, like mine is Aries From god of war, post a comment telling me yours. 

Xbox or Playstation or Nintendo.

I know that we all have are favorite videogame company, and that we all favor one thing or another. but i think that Playstation is the best dam videogame company period, even though the PS3 is going to cost alot, they still are the all time best, post a comment and tell me your favorite videogame company.


This blog is about what portable handhelds are truly better. I think that it is a tie. the DS has the games, and PSP has got the graphics and the games but not as many, but the PSP can play movies and music and music videos, so i guess it is a tie tell me what one you like better or is it a tie for you too. comment

$59-$100 For Video Games

What the hell is this crap. you not only make the system $600 but the games $100 first I was a little upset about the $600, but now $100 games. screw that crap. Im now going to just buy a wii, and a 360. tell me if you think this is bowl crap or not. 

PSP music downloads.

OK I had just got a PSP like 4 days ago and i dont know what i need or where I can get "FREE" PSP music downloads. if you know could you tell me.

kingdom hearts 2

I finaly beat this game and let me tell you it was not easy. first guy i fought I thought that it was over but then it keep on going. i realy enjoyed playing this game and thought it was awesome. 

My first PSP

Hay I just got a PSP yesterday and it is great. I still need a USB plug so that I can get Music and Movies. I also need some more games for it to. all I has is madden. but it only cost me $270.99 all together with a 515 MB memory

Mercenaries 2:world in Flames

This game looks really good. I heard that it has co-op, and that it is going to have alot better storytelling then the first one. hope that it is as good or not better then the first. also it is going to be for the PS3, so that is also cool.

Miami took it all

In this years NBA finals the heat beat the Mavs, and the Mavs where up 2-0 in the series. I did want the heat to win, but the Pistons are way better.