Actually, nothing new... They just added Napoleon and his "story" and there you go... I didn't played it much more than 2 hours. If you played any of the total war series, there you have it...
josip001's forum posts
we have gone too far with this, and i agree with coreybg, this is not the place to talk about anything alse but the game itself... now I am sorry for even entering this discussion.
Game on gamers and greetz from me...
Stay cool...
@ic4ruz: do you really think that it has something to do with "legit or no legit" version of the game? The problem is that they put autosave in front of a closing door. Please DO NOT accuse if you don't have hard evidence. Like others just wrote, bugs happens, and they should fix them... This post is only about that...
This game sucks at so many levels!!! It's not worth any single penny! It's a pale copy of AC and it has annoying bugs.
I am not playing this anymore...
Oh man... I am done searching... Does anyone know where is the savegame located? I think I am gonna smoothly give up on this game...
I don't think it has anything to do with "legit or no legit" game. It has to do with autosave just infront of those doors. When you pull leveler to open the doors you have limited amount of time to get through them, and then they close. So, if you get killed passed that point, you will end in front of that doors, but now they are closed, and the game obviously don't recognize that you are back because you got yourself killed. I think it's a bug, and only thing you can do is to start yourself a new game. But what will happen later when you advance more? Would you be so eager to start all over again? I don't think so...
Oooooohooo my friend, same level, same problem, same "Start new game" again... Check my post from last night. It's really annoying, and the only thing is to start a new game...
Greets to you all...
Well, it seems that loading your LAST checkpoint could really be your LAST checkpoint.
So, let's get to the point. After getting killed by one of those rolling spikes, I got myself a "Loading last checkpoint". But my problem starts when I respawn in front of a door that was opened when the autosave took place and now, after the respawn, it is closed and can oly be opened by pulling one of the levelers hanging from the ceiling. That would not be much of a problem if I could come down from the balcony where that door is and not get myself killed. NOW that's the problem!
It is really annoying and I just don't know how to come around but to start a new game. It happens on FORTRESS COURTYARD level after beating up the monster with horns... So BE AWARE when to get killed or you might end up in front of a closed door and end up a game before you even started it...
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