blue dragon (x360) 9
+ gorgeous graphics, (mostly) brilliant soundtrack, great quest
- too easy. and Ian Gillan needs to shut up. forever
lair(ps3) 9
+ a new high-water mark for next-gen graphics and sound
- confusing navigation and poorly explained objectives
darkness(ps3,xb360) 9
+ high praise to the voice acting. the mixture of adventure and shooter and narrative is spot on. the stylized aesthetic looks so good
- occasionally shaky execution of some big ideas. disappointing payoff
Vampire Rain (360) 6
+ vampires make lovely game villians
- the dialogue and voice acting could be called campy, but that would be stretching it
Project Sylpheed (360)...8.5
+ a long, cinematic, open shooter bathed in stunning visuals with a great soundtrack and weapons system. nice to see a difficulty setting again, too
-although it's gorgeous overall, normal mapped and/or reflective surfaces are sparse. cetrain missions are somewhat vague, leading to a few bouts of trial and error
FF12 RW (DS)(japan version) 8
+ incredibly lush visuals, good characterization, snappy gameplay
- unfortunately easy, theme and story are a 180 degree turn from the original FF12
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