jsand199's forum posts
1 221-2098 PowerEdge 1750,2.8GHz/512K Cache Xeon, 533MHz Front Side Bus
1 311-2436 2nd Processor, Xeon,2.8GHz, 512K Cache, PowerEdge 1750
1 311-2442 1GB DDR SDRAM 266MHZ (4X256MB)PowerEdge 1 320-0058 No Monitor Option 1 320-0623 2X64/133MHz PCI-X, Riser for PE1750
1 340-8357 36GB Hard Drive, U320, SCSI, 1 inch, 10K, for PowerEdge 1750
1 340-3612 1.44MB,3.5in,Floppy Drive,for Dell PowerEdge Servers 1 420-4106 No Operating System for Dell PowerEdge Servers,No OTHER
1 310-3776 Logitec System Mouse,Gray, Servers 1 430-8991 Dual On-Board NICS ONLY
1 313-1281 24X IDE CD-ROM
1 313-1702 Active Bezel Option for Dell PowerEdge 1750 1 340-8163 MS,Motherboard SCSI,C1,for Dell PoweEdge 1750
1 461-2446 No rail Kit Option PowerEdge Server
1 310-4455 Power Cord,4 Meters,Rack, European Manufacturing Facility
There was an operating system installed: Linux based Kernel 2.6.9-22.0.2.EL I don't have the root password, at least I can't remember it from over 2 years ago, but a tech guy told me that there is a way to erase the operating system and start over, but it takes time and I was not going to pay for him to sit a few hours and do it.
Solid game, worth the money. Anybody complaining about it either hasn't actually played it and are trying to get attention or bought the game without first checking to see what type of game it was.ComoratOr perhaps they really don't like the game. Below average to me.
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