@StammBladecastr @jsmoke03 indie scene has been doing a lot of that for awhile now....a lot of people are complaining that ps4 has no games other than indies...as if indies arent for some reason a video game. its a general statement about a trend im seeing in gaming forums, youtube comments etc. This is a perspective i'm seeing in gaming...but is this the only opinion in gaming? No not at all...
@foxbat_prime i didnt say YOU were burned out. But lets look at something real quick.
One of the problems now that people complain about is that this is a copy cat industry that milks any successful franchise right?
well how many 2d platformers were on snes/ nes genesis/ master system consoles? how about 2d action platformers?
there were a lot, but as kids people didnt care because they were FUN to them.
but now in their 30's, a lot of people complain about the milkage like it didnt happen to them as consumers when they were 10.
If they don't like any sequel, they don't like original ip's in the same genre, they don't like polished gameplay....but yet complain about indies even though that part of gaming is truly trying to do different things....then what would make them happy? Thats why i said a lot of gamers are burned out.
I AM NOT TRYING TO SINGLE YOU OUT. there are no 100% absolutes when it comes to these things....just perspectives and sweeping generalities
@foxbat_prime @jsmoke03 yes that there is no universal opinion of what makes a good game and a bad game anymore because of difference experience and age. As polished as destiny is, some people see it as a bad game and some other people think its a good game. back in the day galaga was considered a good game. It wouldnt hold up to people nowadays right?
So in your opinion, because a person likes destiny but you dont, their opinion doesnt count right?
i've always felt like this. The most cynical of gamers on the forums tend to be the older ones that have played a lot of games in their time. They have nostalgia as a bias so they view games differently and i think these guys are burned out from gaming. They cant enjoy new ips, sequels, any AAA title or indie title. for them the thirst is real but they can't satisfy themselves because they played way too many games.
For a lot of my friends who game, destiny is the best thing to come along since cod 4. These same friends never played games like half life 2, or everquest, or world of warcraft. They think destiny is soo innovative. Sure they played mario and zelda, but my friends only played the sports games or the biggest thing in gaming. No one digged deeper than that but me.
I'm one of the few people that prefer the newer gen games to older gen games despite being over 30 because i didnt play many games until i was in my 20's so i think destiny is a good game. Im not burned out. I dont hate every game because they arent better than kotor or quake 3 or morrowind. i am still truly enjoying games even though i dont have the same sense of wonder that i did when i first played super mario brothers when i was 7 years old or the first time i played shining force on the genesis. I dont gush over games like i did when i was a kid...and i'm fine with that.
I think gamers just need to appreciate games because not every game is made for them. this video is awesome
BULLSHIT! thats why they dropped the kinect after 6 months despite selling more xb1's than 360's and is one of the top 5 best selling consoles of all time? c'mon man dont lie. you guys did great on monday trying to be humble and sincere.
this is an easy problem. have square and capcom release games for the system like old final fantasy/phoenix wright/ professor layton/ bravely default. bring more jrpgs/hatsume miku / addictive life/dating sims & lower prices of these stupid memory cards. they already have good support from western indies so that will solve the sales problem.
let me know when the actual downgraded graphics is released. and once again im going to be skeptical about this and will judge by game before purchasing
jsmoke03's comments