i play on normal so i cant judge what is an easy or difficult boss
jsmoke03's forum posts
it shouldve done the price cut last year
a couple of things this gen
- i got burnt out with competitive multiplayer games. i still play it, but im not playing everyday 4+ hours a day. i still like call of duty but i can go months not playing it
- i like the looter shooter genre. destiny was a great coop experience for me and i met a group that i got close to in real life
- im finally giving up on 2d platforming games. for years i tried to get into it (weird since i started gaming on the nes)
- also gave up trying to get into certain game franchises. no longer gonna play mario, zelda, halo,gears, elder scrolls, doom, wolfenstein games, resident evil and some other games. i own a ton of these games so im just gonna TRY TO PLAY and maybe finish these games.
- i bought a nintendo hardware for the first time since gamecube
- edit - i dont play as much as i used to
I want to say Sleeping Dogs 2 but that was at the tail end of last gen and it's sequel got cancelled but damn what I wouldn't give to have a second SD game it deserves it we deserve it!!!!
facts. I cant believe they didnt follow up with a proper sequel. pretty sure the studio got shuttered after triad wars flopped
even though i grew up on the third gen, i didnt really start loving gaming until the 6th gen
i bet it doesnt come out with any exclusives at launch cuz of the covid thing unless its devs from japan. asia and u.s. studios are probably getting affected by the stay at home orders
Sony needs to squash these rumors before people start believe the shit is true.
didnt cerny already address this in the deep dive?
@mclarenmaster18: where did you come up with the X1 sales number?
VGChartz, I'm aware this site can be accurate or inaccurate when it comes to sales figures.
Edit: There is also one of the old articles I found in CNBC where they mentioned the sales figures.
i would go with amd numbers
that would be cool. I was ready to pay $500 just for the console
i'm hesitant, but i'm gonna buy a ps5. I have a weak gaming laptop, so i might still build a rig.
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