I did the same thing I played on PC for the longest time. bought a **** 360, but it never felt the same so I sold it bought a new PC and IM BACK! but seriously PC gaming is better because better graphics, gameplay (imo), more online, competative online (if you want it), and just a overall better community.
jstamm33's forum posts
hmm. okay just this past september my friends call me saying that these guys are trying to start **** and wanted to beat them up. So they swing by my house pick me up and we drive over. my friend walks over trying to talk things over and the guys had us outnumbered (about 9 of them and 3of us including myself). one of them runs up, cocks his arm back to hit my friend I step in and sock him in the jaw, then proceed to use my wrestling moves on him and take his ass down. then out of no where some guy whacks me in the back of the head, i turn around and punch him. as im getting up one of them pulls a knife and stabs a buddy of mine. right then 4 cop cars roll up. funny thing was that they brought girls to watch the fight and they ended up getting their asses kicked hahaha. but ya, i had a popped blood vessel in my eye, and it was bleeding (pretty gross) and a knife cut on my forearm. stupid punks went to my school to haha
You need to find a girl. its not that hard and if you find a good one she will turn your life around. Until recently I was into drugs pretty good, and then I met this really cute girl and things just clicked. Now i go to church strengthed relations with parents/friends and am just in a happier mood. To be honest if you want an eye opening experience find a girl, do mushrooms, or ecstasy. Opened my mind completely.1.I Dont Have any friends 2. I HAVE NVER HAD A Girl friend btw im 19. 3. Never had ect kissed a girl.. I GET PICKED ON LIKE 1 TIME IN THE AWARDS CEREMONIES I GOT CALLD UP TO ACEPT THE AWARD AND THS KID PANTS ME IN FROnt of everybody in school.4.Ok scratch that i haad an online girlfriend but she brok up wit me...5 I pot on here and gametrailers way too much.. 6. i play video games way too much like 30 hrs a week. Im still living withh my parents not going to college anytime soon since my parents cant afford it. so DO you guys have any of these qualities tht i have in my patheic life
Okay so for my bday im getting myself some new upgrades. currently I have a AMD x3 triple core @ 2.1 ghz, and a xfx 9800 gt. Will upgrading to a x4 955 and a sapphire 4870 be worth it? And will that setup last me a good while?
What is your stance on the drug? Ever done it or know anyone that has? Share your experiences its something that should be discussed more oftenly than marijuana.
this is the way I see it. I occasionally smoke cigarettes ( I quite smoking weed). If shes a nice gal and good looking okay, and she can't smoke like a pack a day. But if your FAT and UGLY AND SMOKE then just give up on life.
I have a couple:
First, A week or so ago I'm at a little shindig with some chicks (who I didn't know went to my school) so I was like ok I'm gettin hammered and gonna hook up with one of em. I get pretty smashed pretty fast and one of them comes up to me and essentially says,"lets **** So I'm like alright lets do this. Never made it to the bedroom, passed out in the hallway :(
Then in like 3rd grade I gave a girl I liked a piece of paper that read "Lets have a playdate on tuesday or thursday" and taped in 2 nickels and 1 dime lol. If you can't win em over with words or looks, money never fails. She just stared at me though then turned around and walked away very awkwardly.
ahhhh the dayss
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