jstanfi1's forum posts
If you've got a TV with HDMI inputs, this isn't a bad setup if you're looking for a whole-thing-in-a-box solution.
At this point, the PS3 cannot send Dolby TrueHD or DTS MA as bitstream audio, due to the limited 1.3 HDMI compliance of the system a previous poster noted. The PS3 can, however, decode Dolby TrueHD and send it to the receiver as uncompressed PCM, but at this point cannot decode or utilize the full DTS MA track in any way (it can only play back the core audio from that codec).
For right now, the best option is a receiver that accepts LPCM over HDMIand let the PS3 decode the audio to the best available option. A side note: I would recommend going into the audio output options on the PS3 and manually deselecting any 7.1 audio output options unless you have a 7.1 setup, otherwise you're just sending 7.1 channels of audio and trusting your receiver to either remix (unlikely) or drop 2 channels of audio.
Audiophiles are praying DTS and Sony will work together to add in onboard PS3 decoding of the full DTS MA soundtrack soon.Not so much that it will outperform the uncompressed audio option some Blu-Ray discs offer, but that many discs (expecially those from FOX) offer no other HD audio options.
For what it's worth, my PS3 is hooked up via HDMI to a Sony STR-DG1000 receiver with a 5.1 setup and some respectable but overall underwhelming speakers and it's pretty amazing. The stereo imaging offered by these lossless codecs is impossible to describe and has to be experienced.
Enjoy your 605!
I know there's no accounting for taste, but everytime I read one of these threads I'm just in shock how anyone has a (significant) bad thing to say about KH2. One of the few times a sequel surpassed my expectations in gaming. Guess I'm just easy to please.
Hey everyone...never owned a copy of Guitar Hero before, but my wife loved playing it with her kid-cousins and I think she'd really like to have a copy. My question is...how bad are the "problems" with the PS3 version? I've heard complaints about a lag issue due to the non-Bluetooth wireless. Can anybody comment on this? Is it not playable? Should I wait for the next version of the wireless guitar? Should I be considering the Wii version instead?
Your comments are really appreciated, thanks in advance!
Remote play will let you do a lot more than just play PS1 games through your PS3 on your PSP, but yes, with the new firmware, you can put in a PS1 game, connect via Remote Play on the PSP, and play the PS1 game on the PSP.
Depending on your connection, fast paced games might be a touch laggy, FYI.
Some major retailers (like Wal-Mart) may take it back for store credit so you could do an exchange that way.
You'll be suprised what folks will pay for new games on eBay, you might get pretty close to the retail value if you have a strong feedback rating.
VERY few HDTVs more than a year old will accept a 1080p signal over component cables. More likely than not that's your problem. If you have an HDMI input available that is probably your best bet.
Also, some Full HD 1080p sets cannot actually accept a 1080p signal, but only a 1080i signal that the tv deinterlaces. Would need your exact model number to sort that out though.
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