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jtkode Blog

Mail box not working properly!

No, all I can say is NO!!! My mail box is like my life here at Tv.com, really, that is how I know what submissions I get accepted and everything... My mailbox has been saying 0 this whole time and then I refreshed it and I got fifteen new mails, ahhh I know, I only got three from people, two submissions denied :cry:, and the rest were accepted submissions, but really this is annoying because I really rely on that to get me throught! really I hope it gets fixed soon!

I just cant get my icon right!

I dont know what to do, I dont like my Icon now and there just isnt a sokka icon that I really like...grrr I dont know what to do! reall I have made like fifty and I dont like any of them! grrr Help if you can! But I dont expect you to help, this is just super annoying, there isnt one that I truly like, I would like an animated sig of sokka fighting but there are none, well I will just cry in the corner, bye! have a great day!~Jtkode

Here it is, Say these colo
rs five times fast:

   Red,  Blue   , Orange, Green,   Purple, Yellow, Black

See this is hard because the left side and right side both tell you differnent things, one side tells you to say the color and the other tells you to say the word. Just something fun for yall

Hey you guys I just had 1,234 forum posts isnt that awesome everyone, cool huh. For people who didint know what that meant... 1234

I have a question, who is editor for Sokka on Avatar? Oh wait...Forgot, it's me!

So here is the L... ......O..... .....N.... .......G story, well I was going around seeing who I should submit for and then It occured to me Sokka rules, as always, and then I was like hey I will try hard to get Sokka's editorship, then I went to his page and saw that the editor retired and I was like YAY! and I said that I would try to get his editorship tomorrow, I was sooo tired. So then...bum bum bummmm... I saw another person with 47 points, AHHH! and I was like NOOOOO and so I submited for an hour strait and look who I am editor for today! Yup thats me! I'm editor for five people and two shows now, I'm really tired though! sorry Cg for taking him from you but come on I am a Sokka fanatic like you said, why, I DONT KNOW STOP ASKING lol, hehe. well that is all for this, I probubly have more to say but to tired to say it...O yea I do, here it goes, So last night, after I knew that I would have enough points to get sokka I was like yea its time for bed! and then my dog just would not go to sleep, IT SUcKed so bad! I went to bed at like three and then my little brother came and woke me up at like six in the mornin' ahhh yea I know long day, then I had to work a seven and a half hour shif, AND I CLOCKED OUT FOR MY BRAKE, when do I do that? grrr why o why did I do it? idk. Oh I'm also a big procrastinator because I saved ALL my homework for tomorrow because of vacation, well I'm still happy and if you read all of this I'm very proud of you and you have a longer attention span then me, Have a great day!~Jtkode

Editor Junkie!

Well recently I have become editor for four people and one show! I'm very excited, I just cant get away from Tv.com! It's so addictive, really! Aw my puppy is siting, well sleeping right here next to me and there is a loud banging sound in my parlor, which no other people are home, so, if I die, remember me! well anyway I really like Tv.com although I have been geting .01% per submission which is never good, for the past three days I have moved up what, a whole eight % its really annoying but I try not to complane because I'm higher than a lot of people, I just dont want other people to pass me, I'm so use to passing people, lol. but really I have made like 140 submission in the past three days and I have only moved up 8% which is really annoying. but what the hell I'm still on here lol, and you know what I cant complain I have gotten three new editorships in the past two days so you know what Im happy! level 20 is my ultimate goal, then 30 but we will see when I get there, wow this is turning into a long blog so Ill cut is short, Thanks for reading, and have a grand old day, well night but you know what I mean.~Jtkode

P.S- someone kill Polaricegirl because she has not been on here lately, she is my BEST friend here and we havent talked in a while which is sad, but fortunatly for others its not that bad, I have made some really good friends and I'm very appreciative! Again have a great day, grrr night!~Jtkode

My BIRTHDAY!!!! And I got three, not two, new editorships, on including a show!!

Well you probably know already that today is my B-day because I have told like everone oh here, but yea, TODAY IS MY B-day!!!

ITS MY 16 bday too, this rocks I'm geting my permit and I'm going to work at shaws too! I'm really happy!

#2- well so yesterday I was really bored so I went on Tv.com everday (although that is what I do everyday) and I submitted like CraZY so guess what, I'm now the editor of two new people and one new show, only by 60 contrabutions yesterday, o yea I rule!!! lol, Jk, well so what are you waiting for go check them out lol:D
I wonder what I will get!

Editor over night, with/ I CANT BELIVE MY LEVEL!

Well I was just browsing "Lost's" writers and I saw Paul Dini, WOW was his page messes up, almost all the submissions were accepted with incorrect spelling and everything! It was just horrible! So I made like a billion submissions to him, and, well, I'm his editor now, I still have A LOT to do, make an editors blog, make a forum, ext. But I'm now his editor which is really cool. ALSO grrrrrrrrrrr! my level went up 8 % from yesterday! WTF I made 38 submissions too! That makes me so mad because it should have went up A LOT! But other than that I'm a happy camper, Have a great day everyone and go check Paul Dini out, I need more sumissions:wink::wink:

1,000 forum posts! And credits to all the great people here at TV.com!

hey everyone, yup you got it 1,000 forum posts. Also I would like to thank everyone who posts on my blog, I really appreciate the time you take to read about...well, me. lol. but really I do and thanks to all my friends here, I kinda stole this from cg lol but yea, A Big Thanks to Polaricegirl The BIG "O" has really been great, no mater what we never stop talking, ever, I 55 pages with 20 messages each, most of them with just me and Polaricegirl. We both came on here mostly at the same time and we have been friends ever since I pmed her. Polaricegirl is just awesome! Then there are others like Cg_619 Who are just experts at tv.com and I really appreciate those kinds of people to, then there is Glostlover She happens to be great, I can never miss her blogs and she always comments on mine, thanks! Also to Dumb_Person My first trusted contributership I owe to you, your really cool and a great person to talk to as well. And we just can't forget White_Rabit112 When I first became editor you went right in and made some contabutions to my person which was really cool of you to do for me! Also to byakugan7 I havnt seen you on my blogs lately but you are really cool and make the best blogs ever! And trust me there are a million others but I dont want to bore you all. Thank you all a lot for being here and making Tv.com great for me and everyone around you, I appreciate you all and have a great day!

1 month at Tv.com today! Level 14! And new emblem thanks to Dumb_Person

Level 14 and today it my 1 month at Tv.com isnt that cool everyone, O and a new emblem thanks to Dumb_Person!

and also some very important news:


This link is really interesting you should visit it, This is the link to February 21st (my birthday) flyby mission of the cassini satilite, this is really cool! and not only is this really cool you can see it live! so anyone interested you should check it out, right now it is going to reach Titus (my second favorite moon) in 4 days nine hours and 48 minutes, this is a once in a lifetime deal, it is so cool and i will stay up to watch it!

They are doing this mission because scientists belive that titus is the only other body that we could live on if the earth was to have a major disaster, it would be cold, yes, but it is livable, so anyway go visit it, it is really cool!

Due to Valentines here is my favorite song, Lyrics.

 She's Everything lyrics

She's a yellow pair of running shoes
A holey pair of jeans
She looks great in cheap sunglasses
She looks great in anything
She's I want a piece of chocolate
Take me to a movie
She's I can't find a thing to wear
Now and then she's moody

She's a Saturn with a sunroof
With her brown hair a-blowing
She's a soft place to land
And a good feeling knowing
She's a warm conversation
That I wouldn't miss for nothing
She's a fighter when she's mad
And she's a lover when she's loving

And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
I talk about her, I go on and on and on
'Cause she's everything to me

She's a Saturday out on the town
And a church girl on Sunday
She's a cross around her neck
And a cuss word 'cause its Monday
She's a bubble bath and candles
Baby come and kiss me
She's a one glass of wine
And she's feeling kinda tipsy

She's the giver I wish I could be
And the stealer of the covers
She's a picture in my wallet
Of my unborn children's mother
She's the hand that I'm holding
When I'm on my knees and praying
She's the answer to my prayer
And she's the song that I'm playing

[Repeat chorus]

She's the voice I love to hear
Someday when I'm ninety
She's that wooden rocking chair
I want rocking right beside me
Everyday that passes
I only love her more
Yeah, she's the one
That I'd lay down my own life for

And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me
Yeah she's everything to me

Everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me