He forgot how they release a new Spider Man game every year! Activision said years ago. They didn't want to put out games they couldn't make into a franchise and they have stuck to that model. Destiny looks more like a different version of Borderlands. Than an entirely new idea. Not saying that's a bad thing though.
The people bashing this guy don't seem to understand how developing games works. Developers and hardware makers need to work together. So developers can understand how the hardware works and how to make their games work on that hardware. Etc.. For the people who have grown up with Nintendo consoles since NES. It is clear Nintendo has been slipping out of place. The last few consoles just haven't been able to keep up. Have to admit the are keeping the casual audience though.
This series of interviews seem more like behind the scenes or for people interested, inside the industry already. Bitching about other Gearbox products seems pointless.
Oh hey a 200 dollar portable netflix device. Oh wait I use my phone for that. Maybe if they implement it with the ps4 or get better games. It will be worth buying.
jubdeidamasta's comments