Oh noes minecraft and angry birds. Not even news worthy. Is gamespot so blatantly MS leaning now days. All I hear is negativity on any Sony news. When MS unveils it's system they'll sing the praises of Kinect technology even though none of us want that.
"And the love of many shall wax cold" Jesus answering the disciples question concerning the end of days. It's only just the beginning. The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart not an object or more specifically, guns.
How about the prototype is the intellectual property and the mass produced model is the disc we all buy. Makes the comparison easier to understand for those ninja developers posting in defense of their greed.
Single player whiners are the loud minority most people want the multiplayer economy. To secure the multiplayer community against cheats should and rightly is the number one priority. Well done Blizzard. Well Done.
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