judas-savior's forum posts
LOL @ You guys.. seriously, Australia is the most raped country when it comes to games and out dollar is almost equal to your own.
Your games - $60 US = $64 AUS
All games in Australia come with an RRP of $99 AUD which is $92 US.
GTA IV came with a RRP of $119 AUD, Special Edition being $149 AUD (Standard Edition $111 US; Special Edition $139 US)
JB Hi-Fi will normally try and bring games out at $79AUD ($74US) to be cheaper than the RRP everywhere else but release games are never cheaper than $79AUD.
If Australia got games for the same price as you guys i'd be in heaven, we have to pay double almost, thats why I ebay games most of the time which I can get for around 60 bucks then but sometimes you want the special edition or want it day 1 and you have no choice but to pay the stupid prices charged in Australia.
[ BTW Australia's still the best country despite gaming prices. our dollar is catching you ;) LOL ]
I have called take two and spoken with various game stores and this is the info I got.. all have mentioned the cut-scene which I beleive will be the main cut but as for the mini games with hookers that is only rumor.
If theres a cutscene involving anal insertion and hooker mini-games makes sense why it couldn't be fitted into MA but yeah, so my best guess is there is definately a cutscene missing and possibly the hooker games and thats it.. personally if thats all it doesn't really bother me too much and i'll still get this version, I can youtube the cutscene and well the hooker mini-games, no biggy i'll just run as many hooker over during the course of the game to make up for it ^_^
Online play doesn't use that much bandwidth as its just code being send back and forth as the visual side of things is all stored on the disc so yah, if it works on dial up [Lag was barable, not to terrible] it doesn't require much but optimal is 1.5MB but even if you have a awesome connection lag can still come up if your playing on servers too far away, play local servers and you'll have no issues =)
Just venting here but my 3rd Xbox 360 just got RROD, hurray!
Luckily the store I got it from will allow me just to swap it for another one without changing HDD's etc. but its so lame that its not funny, only had this one for around 1 month.. *sigh*
Microsoft you suck... Love the games but damn the console sucks balls
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