@Sepewrath: Their reasoning was he's a part time wrestler, and apparently part-timers don't have to sign on to the wellness policy. Or something along those lines.
@Ripper_TV: Unfortunately, Nordic has publicly stated that they do not have the resources to make a game as big as Darksiders. I think the best we can realistically expect is something along the lines of a more epic Gauntlet. Which could be cool. A four player co-op game that begins directly after the first Darksiders makes sense.
@CyberEarth: In fairness, a writer can't throw every single idea, motivation, or piece of backstory into their books. They were told from Harry's perspective. He and the Dursleys never got to a point where they would confide in him why they really resented him so much, and really seem like people who may not be able to put it in words themselves.
Likewise Dumbledore may not have felt comfortable coming out to Harry, or thought the information was irrelevant.
Or, maybe all this was in an early draft but the editor told JK Rowling to take it out because it was throwing off the pace of the book, or too controversial, or any number of reasons.
Even if she writes a prequel book, things will have to flow in a narrative context. She wont be able to elaborate on everyone's backstory, and the new book would create even more of these little backstories that may not make the final cut. It's easier just to tweet little tidbits like this online.
@turianshepard: Maybe I am abnormal for thinking crotch shots not an integral part of a video game. I love Bayonetta and Dead or Alive. I'd prefer there were less crotch shots, but it doesn't ruin the experience. The issue isn't important enough to me that I would skip a great game over it.
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