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Bought Warhawk/School =|

Well, yesterday a couple friends and I bussed it over to Vancouver (took about an 1hr) just to do whatever shopping and stuff. We went walking around and my friends bought clothes while I only bought Warhawk ($80 inc. taxes for it and Bluetooth).

But I gotta say, it isnt all that great. I mean the headset (Bluetooth Jabra) works great on it and Resistance, but Warhawk isnt much good. I mean, I should play it more, but flying a Warhawk is troubling, shooting is hard since you cant aim at all (no zoom - dont see why there is a sniper in this game), homing-in and other missiles are hard to fire at Warhawks, and a couple other problems make this not the greatest online experience. Would be better if it had single player.

Now, knowing me, Ill find out how to solve all these problems and start liking it (haha maybe), but really to anyone looking into this game, I just say rent it first.

Allright, well today was the first day of school. Just got there at 9 and sat around and walked around till 12 haha. Did the same old thing each yr in my home room just filling out papers and blahblahblah. Tomorow should be a little better (full day,get some classes,get textbooks). Im happy to see all my buds and the babes I missed aha.

Okay, on a final note - I completed campaign mode on Resustance (excellent game) and im owning at sniping online :D Should have a review up for it soon (gotta get back to writin em). I also finished reading the final Harry Potter book (amazing read as I have read all the others) and thought it tied up the series awesomely. Now im gunna read the 1st one which I completely forgot aha.

Aiight, thats it for now. Gotta get to bed so im not a zombie at school 2mrw. CHOW!

New Top 3 Most Anticipated PS3 Games

Yes, I keep changing up my top anticipated PS3 games, but ive just seen lots of new vids and stuff of some games so here is my top 3.

3. Rock Band

As a very hardcore Guitar Hero, music and video game fan, Rock Band brings all three of my interests into one amazing package. I always have buddies over playing GH, but being able to play 4 different instruments with 3 other people online or offline or playing single-player on one instrument throughout all-new venus and songs, this game is gunna kick ASS nomatter what the price is.

2. Army Of Two

After watching the hilarious and totally awesome trailer #2 of Army Of Two, I had to watch the rest of the vids and ended with one conclusion - this game is gunna be TOTALLY FNG SWEET.

1. MGS4: Guns of the Patriots

MGS4 simply blows me away from every aspect I look at when choosing a game I want to play. Weapons, graphics, story, characters, setting, gameplay, just everything. When I saw the first 14min trailer my jaw just dropped. Just before MGS4 was announced,I had played MGS3 after I heard of how awesome it was, then played through MGS and MGS2 and ended up incred-hyped for this game. I have seen all the vids and, even though it seems like a pretty confusing plot with so many elements, after watching that Gameplay Vid on PSN (best vid EVER), I knew I NEEDED THIS GAME!

Back From Seattle

Yes, I got back from my back-to-school shopping trip in Seattle. As you know from previous blogs, my mom, sisters, aunt and I went down to Seattle (3-hrs south across the border from my house) to stay at my aunts boyfriends house and go back-to-school shopping. Well, even though I had a $300 budget (thats all my mom was gunna pay for me) I ended up getting $400 worth of clothes (plus my mom picked me up a sweet expensive watch).

It was a very fun trip. I picked up 8 shirts, 2 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of shorts, a hoodie, 9 pairs of socks, 4 pairs of boxers, 2 pairs of shoes, 3 belts, and some other stuff. Now I am fully loaded cothes-wise for school aha. I also brought my PS3 along to play Resistance and Ninja Gaiden aha. My mom picked up 2 PS2 games for my dad (ATV Off-Road Fury 3, Tourist Trophy) and my sister bought Tomb Raider: Legend. It was a very excellent trip. But now I have to go back to school in a week :cry:

But to end on a good note, I get my $20 allowance (every two weeks), get paid and get my tips from work all on Friday :D That should be a total of nearly $700! I will be buying Warhawk for my PS3 for sure, also pay off my phone bill (probably $50 with all the online stuff Ive boughten aha) and then I am going to Vancouver Monday to spend some more money haha.

Once school starts I will be getting into a soccer league with some friends (just house league) which my friends dad is coach of. That should be fun. Plus Im gunna get back into working out (need to tone up and get some muscles :P) and I will start to rent an electric bass (and soon buy) and take lessons. That shall all keep me very busy for the school year.

But I g2g to bed (its 1:30am right now :|) so night and have a good one! :D

My Ps3 OWNS/Trip To Seattle

First off, I would just like to say how much my PS3 kicks ass. I bought it Sunday and, except for work, have been playing it non-stop. Ninja Gaiden Sigma is just an amazingly awesome game, while Resistance,though on medium mode,is pretty hard but very fun too. I have been playing my PS3 for hours on end.

I just got it online and thats fantastic. The PS Store is sweet, with downloadable videos,demos,trailers and more. New stuff just came out today, inlcluding the new MGS4 trailer (makes things even more confusing but still cool), new Haze vid (this games gunna own), new Timeshift vid (not as good as the first trailer) and more. Only one demo came out today (Folklore) but its aiight cuz I dont download many demos.

Now, I am going to Seattle 2mrw (leaving bright and early) and staying there till Sunday (since I have to work again :cry:). But its gunna be really fun. Me, my mom and my 2 sisters and aunt are going down (3 hr drive :|) and are staying at my aunts boyfriends house. I think I am gunna bring my PS3 aha (and better remeber my bill bcuz I dont wanna be taxed on it at the border when I bought it up here in BC!).

The main reason for the trip is to buy back-to-school clothes. Me and my sisters all get $300 to spend :D. Gunna be nuts (except i gunna have to go into lots of girls clothes stores since im with my sisters,mom and aunt:|).But other than that it will be pretty kool and lots of fun. I should be able to get on a computer too and get on Gamespot aha.

Well,thats it for me. Talk to ya later!

Bought A PS3 =D

Thats right, I picked up my 60GB PS3 today. :D I was so pumped! I picked it up at like 2:00pm. I got the PS3/1 controllers $550 bundle thing,then picked up another wireless controller ($70CDN),Resistance:Fall of Man ($60CDN) and Ninja Gaiden Sigma ($70CDN).It came to $836 including taxes,but my dad paid for Ninja Gaiden so I only paid $780 :D. I picked all this up at EB Games.

Then I got home, set it all up and played resistance and Ninja Gaiden and was BLOWN AWAY. These games are soo nuts, especially Sigma! I ended up playing for like 2 hours and fooling around, then I had 2 go to work till just now :(. But tomorow I am going to hook up my ethernet cable to play online,then go to my granparents house (my cousins are staying there and own a PS3 - from other blogs they are 23- and 25-yr olds) and ill play those games with them. Its gunna be sweet.

Well,thats about it for my days experience. Now I just gotta update My Games with games I want and own and am playing, and chea. Id like to hear if you have a PS3 or want one and what you think about Sonys latest console in your comment! :)

Top 10 "I WANNA PLAY NOW!" PS3 Games

Yea, I just got paid the other night - $600 :D. So now I have $1300, which I can spend $1000 from =D!!!! So, now at the lake where my grandparents and uncle live, my 23 and 25yr old cousins have moved here from Ontario and they own a PS3. It was the first time I played a PS3 for more than like 10min and its awesome! They have Marvel: UA (awesome custscenes, game is allright)plus the Ninja Gaiden Sigma demo (awesome) and Heavenly Sword demo (awesome again).

Wanna hear my plan? Im gunna pay about $750 CDN for the PS3, 2 wireless controller, Resistance: FoM bundle. Then I am gunna rent Ninja Gaiden and other games in the whilst of getting bored of Resistance online.

I was planning on getting it at the end of sumer, but after playing a PS3 I am SO excited to play it Im planning on picking 1 up next week lmao. Talk about quick expensive life choices. Im thinking its gunna be pretty easy to go house shopping. Ill go into one house, like it and just buy it :P.

Well, in the wake of my PS3 purchase, these are the 10 games I am drooling over that will come out in the near future(not including GoW3):

10. SKATE - Sept.24/07

Looks like an intense sports game which should take over Tony Hawk as the top skating game next-gen.

9. Dark Sector - Q1 08

Ever since I saw the first couple vids and first trailer, Ive been HOOKED!

8. Devil May Cry 4 - Q1 08

Played the other 3, but I think DMC4 will be the best yet!

7. Resident Evil 5 - Q1 08

Resident Evil 4 was one of the best games I have ever played, and the next gen RE could be even better.

6. Cipher Complex - TBA 07

Since the first preview I saw of this game in the Playstation Magazine, I have always wanted to see more of it and play it. Knowing it may come out in 2007, this will be one helluva nuts birthday gift in January.

5. Heavenly Sword - Sept.12/07

Thought "Goddess of War" was just a rippoff of God of War (my fav game of all time), but after watching some vids and playing the demo there are some notable similarities, but there are still some great changes that set these games apart.

4. Assasins Creed - November 2007

Ever since I saw the trailer at E3, I knew I would buy this game when I had a PS3. With little news about AC recently, I havent been as hyped, but then I watched the vids again and am PUMPED!

3. Rock Band - Nov.20/07

Being such a hardcore GUITAR HERO fanatic, and having all my friends come over to play co-op and faceoff, having 4 instruments to play is just plain NUTS, not to mention the great soundtrack so far, downloadable content, and the drums just look wicked.

2. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Yet again because im a Guitar Hero fanatic, I played Guitar Hero 1 and 2 and Encore, and Guitar Hero 3 looks even better. With such an excellent sountrack so far (wiki it for songs) including Red Hot Chilli Peppers,Metallica,Tenacious D,Preistess,etc,this game looks AWESOME!

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - Q1 08

I played MGS 1,2 and 3 and instantly fell in love with the series. Since that 10min vid at E3 and all those vids that followed, plus many previews in PSM and here in GS makes this game definitely my top excited ps3 game.

SUMMER!!!! - games,music,movies,whats up,absense,blahblahblah

Holy crap, I havent been on in so long. Im really sorry to all of u who I havent blogged with and definitely to all my unions. Especially my Ookami union, who I have completely vanished from. I never really go on Gamespot much (except for updates/messages/sports discussion thread i made where I update about everything going on in the NHL). I hope I find someone who I believe can be a good leader and who shares the same (or hopefully a better) interest in Okami than I do to take over for me as the leader.

Anyways, my summer has been so busy that I always have something to do. I work 5 days a week (as a dishwasher), but have had a few 3/4 shift weeks. Sad thing is, Ive been spending all my money on like nothing, but put half of each pay into savings. I now have $700 savings, plus about $130 cash. I still got about 3 more paycheques 2 go till the end of summer (1 tonight - each about $400-$500 minimum but possibly up to $700) plus I get $30-$100 tips every two weeks (and $20 allowance every 2 weeks) so I am going to put each paycheque into savings and live off tips and allowance.

That means I will have about $2000 by end of summer, and my mom says as long as I keep $300 in savings I can spend the rest (savings just for car inssurance + gas which will be about $1000 + gas, but I dont need to worry about driving school + car). So ill keep about $500 in savings and then I will spend $1500-ish on a PS3, games, and a bass guitar =D. Im so pumped for the rest of my pay!

I turn 16 in January, so I will be of legal age to get my L (Learners, where from there I go to get my N after 6 months if I pass a test, and finally my full license after suffering 1-2 yrs of driving only 1 friend + family around instead of the same amount of people as seatbelts). My parents are buying my car and my aunt is paying for my driving school (dont call me like a rich kid or something, just my parents have been not amazingly successful but still pretty successful and my aunt has been putting $100 into a special savings for me for about 12 yrs). I still have to pay for inssurance and gas, but I wont get my car till like next summer if I decide to get my driving license/N by then so I will have time to save more.

Alright, now back to about my summer. Whenever I havent worked, I have been hanging out with friends. Whenever I havent been hanging out with friends, I have been working. That pretty much sums it up. This would mean I am not at my house alot, which has kinda been a problem with my parents but they will live aha.

Infact these next 10 days im booked solid for nearly every hour of every day lmao. I work 5 days a week, am going to Seattle for 3 days to spend $300 on clothes and stuff, and I am going to my grandparents house on the lake (my 23/25-yr old cousins who are technically my uncles have moved there) and the other days im chilling with friends. Plus I get paid 2night then in 2 weeks, plus I get my tips 2night and in 2 weeks :D

Alright, now onto my entertainment of the summer. I have seen quite a few movies this summer, with these being my top 5:

Live Free or Die Hard


Rush Hour 3

Simpsons movie

Harry Potter

I have watched many DVDs too at friends houses (plus my dad has rented a crapload) including:

Texas Chainsaw Massace (2003 - INSANE MOVIE)

Blood Diamond (lead dude not DiCaprio seems like Kratos just like Jaffe said aha)

American Pie (for the first time I saw it :| Now wanna see the 2nd which is the only other I havent seen)

American Pie: Band Camp

Cabin Fever (F'd up!)

Children of Men (alright)

Smokin Aces (kill movie)

Apocolypto (pretty good)

Beavis and Butt-head Do America (lmao)

Now, onto games. I have only played NHL 07 (for HOURS and HOURS on Dynasty Mode) and Guitar Hero. I picked up GH Encore: Rock the 80s and its a pretty sweet game. Beat it on hard + expert and think its great but not full-price great.

If you havent heard of the Rock Commandos Widow Maker Wireless Bass Guitar Controller for Guitar Hero, go pick up the Sept.2007 PSM (Independent Playstation Magazine - 10th yr anniverary) and go to the hardware section. This is such an awesome guitar for GH (as I am an aspiring bass player). It got a 9.0/10 rating and its a $50 wireless bass guitar hero controller! It looks so nuts, I hope I find one in Seattle when I go. (P.S. if you find more info on it online, send me the link!)

Now music. If you like the Foo Fighters (or like alt. rock), download their new song Foo Fighters - The Pretender if you havent heard it yet. It is such an awesome song and I cant wait for their new CD this September. I have seen them live last yr, but they are coming to Vancouver this September during their tour and I am definitely seeing them live again!

Also, I am completely into P.O.D (Payable On Death) right now. They are such an awesome band. They have a new CD coming out this fall (if you have any info on it send me it pls!)and I hope they tour and come to Vancouver because they are now my current fav band (and def. top-3 all-time).

Plus, lead singer of System of a Down Serj Tankien is coming out with some solo stuff with his new album Elect the Dead. Look up Elect The Dead on Youtube for more, and listen to Unthinking Majority which sounds awesome, especially if you like System.

Well, thats about it. Sorry again for actually having a life now aha (well not actually a life, pretty much just a job and friends). I hope I can find a way to get back on here more or atleast find a new leader for the Okami union. Its just I havent really found the time/ dont find coming here as interesting or fun as I once did as a young, active member. Forums seem kinda dull, and yet I still love gaming (always get my PSM mag, and starting to get Gamepro and GameInformer mags) and tend to come here once and a while to keep in touch with the gaming world. But I hope you forgive and I hope to reply to all your blogs!

Back From Camping/$$$

Yup, I just got back from my camping trip and it was AWESOME. We went from Tuesday till Friday and I gotta say my first camping trip was sweet. As said in my last blog, my buddy(Zack), 3 of my chick friends and one of their moms went camping. My buddy and I slept in one tent while the chicks slept in the other.

It was pretty sweet. First night me and my friends were outside (their mom was sleeping) and we all ran into our tents and were freaked out cuz we thought we heard a bear (we heard a bunch of branches snap pretty close to us). Then the rest of the night Zack and I were scared in our tent lol. But the other 2 nights were great. Wednesday it was really hot and we were tanning and swimming at the lake all day, then drank at night while their mom was sleeping lmao. That was awesome, same with Thursday we did it again :P.

Then we packed up, went to the twins house and played the Wii on Friday lol. Wii Sports and Tiger Woods are pretty awesome party games, though Mario Party aint all too fun on the Wii. But then I slept in till 2pm this morning, went to work at 5 and am now home at nearly 2 in the morning.

I got my paycheque from work ($250 :D) and I only worked 3 shifts which is good for me. Im gunna start working 5 shifts a week starting next week I think :|. I put half my cheques into savings, and what i'm gunna do at the end of the summer after Im done working 5shifts weekly is see how much money ive saved up and then probably take some out to put towards a PS3 (which are only $550 now :D) and a bass guitar.

Woot Guitar Hero Encore: Rock The 80s comes out on the 17th :D Gunna buy that for the PS2 and rock out. Guitar Hero 3's soundtrack keeps getting better and better, same with the game in general. If you dont know the playlist yet (or what songs have been listed yet) search Guitar Hero 3 on Wikipedia and you'll find it. Rock Band also looks sweet. Man im gunna get a lot of rocking out with Harmonix games and my bass the rest of the year and 08:P

Well thats it for me. GOODNIGHT and have a good one!

Goin' Campin

Yup, thats right, im going camping from tomorow till about friday or saturday. Four of my friends (3girls and 1 guy :o) and I are all going to a local campground (2 of the girls are twins, and theyre mom is taking us aha). Of course the girls and guys have to sleep in different tents, but we'll be partying till 4 in the morning anyways aha. Its gunna be one helluvan awesome trip!