@-paranorman- said:
Your customer service is completely wrong. We're not the kings. This is a way that companies kiss up to customers to make them feel good for buying their product. The truth is that buyers and companies feed off of each other. A company will make something that appeals to an audience and that audience will go and buy it. Also, advertisement plays a major role in a products success. You have to make something really flashy and appealing to the eye to make people spark interests in your product. Companies don't owe anything to the fans and fans don't owe anything to companies. As long as companies make a great product, people will come and spend money on them. Customers feel like they have the power when its actually a company who have the power because they're making something that you want or need,however without the money, companies won't last. That's why customers and companies feed off of each other. Nobody has 100% power. People need to learn this and stop making douches of themselves.
It was to point out they need to do anything in their power to keep us as customers. Their fanservice is actually one of the worst I've ever seen (right behind EA). Maybe it's because I'm from Europe and they do have been neglecting us. The more people they lose the less money they make , that's why we are kings. If we all decide to not buy a product we can make a sign but opinions will always be devided and I'm aware we can never make a point as costumers (come on , Destiny is just way too far. People should make a point that's just not okay).
They have so much cash saved that they don't have to make broad, desperate moves to stay in the game, and they are prepared to take losses for the long term gain. That's why they're still around after 100+ years. That said, it doesn't mean that you won't get frustrated if you enjoy their products...
Now the xbox one and playstation are actually good and are actually starting to listen to their fans , giving them what they want , it's hard to get back the people they'll lose. And when the new generation actually starts off with xbox and playstation and with Nintendo in the back corner it'll be hard for Nintendo to strike back. Kids these days don't even know what Pokemon is and actually don't play alot of Mario anymore , while thats the only power Nintendo has right now to lure people in on their consoles. Right now it's actually maybe starting to backfire to only make exclusives because interest in those games now just wears off instead of making them want to buy consoles for it. If Nintendo doesn't strike back to this and lives on their fanbase it's dangerous. They will never go broke but they will be able to lose alot of power to sony and microsoft. Hell , they have already.
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