Alright , first on. I liked Nintendo. Yes , liked (I'll explain). I grew up with Nintendo like all of us , I played the hell out of Pokemon. Yet I think Nintendo has gone a wrong way. I know there's alot of Nintendo fans on here (It's a pokemon forum , seems kinda obvious). But we all got to admit it is going wrong. Really wrong. There's a lot to explain so if you don't like to read or don't like other people their opinions , please click away. Sorry in advance for the grammar mistakes (english isn't my native , I tried my best)
I've seen alot of moneygrabbing over at Ubisoft and EA. It frustrates me. Alot. DLC are just parts chopped out of the game instead of being worked on after release to extend the duration fo your games (Skyrim has actually done DLC very well). We all know they have been digging into your pockets ever since the first pokemon game (releasing a second game , same region but just some slight changes , very smart!) There's a certain amount of moneygrabbing people can take. Since so many companies are starting to make games purely to dig into your wallet , it starts to frustate more and more. This is why most people are just fed up. Another exampl of money grabbing? Their freaking youtube protocol. It's all out there.
Customer service
We are the kings. We are the buyers. You don't feed us , we feed you. If you buy a Wii U you're largely dependent on Nintendo and their games because it's mainly all you're gonna get. So yes , I understand why you're all defending them and beggin them , but they just take advantage of this and turned the table around. Remember , if any shop would treat you like walking money bags , you're just going to shop at another shop. It's the same with games. If fans actually get creative with their content and send ideas , you get a reply to 'trust their game developers'. No , no I don't trust them. Not at all. People have been asking for a Pokemon MMO for 5-7 years now? Where is it. Pokemon Generations should have been contacted by Nintendo and NIntendo should've said 'come on here , we're doing this big time. better graphics and everything'. Hell , even create your own MMO. No.. They didn't , don't or ever will. Well , at least make hacking more possible to help people create whatthe Pokecommunity has been asking for. No , because NIntendo sees them as their rivals. No Nintendo. These are YOUR fans creating what YOU didn't but YOUR community did ask for. At least you can treat al customers the same. The new pokemon mystery dungeon releases in europe 3-4 MONTHS after it releases in Japan. What. The. Hell. All customers world wide should be playing the game together within at most a week Nintendo.. Without your customers you would be broke , treat them better.
The Wii U
Nintendo only releases games on Wii U and the 3DS. Understandable they wouldn't make it for xbox or playstation , not even for PC. Problem is , the Wii U isn't capable of competing against the other consoles , then how are you going to compete against PC? I only bought a 3DS to play some Pokemon , I'm not interested in Zelda or Mario (besides from mario kart) or in any other Nintendo games. And I'm not the only one. If I would've thought the 3DS was just to expensive just to play Pokemon (it was 120 euro , not that big of a deal for pokemon) I would've been done with them and they couldn't sell me any game since I don't own a Wii U or 3DS. And there you've got maybe the biggest finanvial problem they would have to fear. The children these days just play on their dad's (or mom's) xbox , playstation or PC. Nintendo lost that battle a long time ago. They can't sel any of their games to them. 'No problem , they have 9.3 million Wii U players (I think?) that's enough'. Yes but more and more people are moving towards other consoles , this means the people capable of playing (and logically buying) their games keeps getting smaller and smaller. The 3DS is fine , there's no platform competing with them right there , but the Wii U is just losing. Big time.
The market and gaming in general has changed
Gaming has massively changed. 11 year olds aren't battling out on pokemon anymore , they are on our Battlefield servers swearing their asses of and not knowing what they are doing. While gaming used to be small ,something you did maybe an hour a day or a night a week with your family , now it's really big. Almost everyone played games , people are gaming all day and thousand of peoples start to get addicted. Younger people start to get more into it and start copying their big brothers or maybe even dads and move to battlefield/GTA on the age of 10 already (I wasn't even allowed to play GTA when I was 10). Nintendo does makes games that can seem a bit ínnocent as their main target is children and family's , but something has changed. there are no more real game-nights with family , children have moved on to more violent and'perhaps 'adult' games. Maybe it's a thing in society , who knows , but it's not good for Nintendo. When I myself was around the age of 12 I felt like the Wii wasn't good anymore. Then my friend bought an xbox 360 and I was amazed at how amazing some of these games were and that they were never going to get on the Wii. It's weird do describe because I myself don't know exactly what it is but we all know gaming has got bigger and has changed. Also I don't want to ship off Nintendo games or their players as childs or childish because that sin't true , I'm not trying to insult anyone. I myself still play alot of Pokemon and hacks etc on here but I think Nintendo wasn't really marketing on the 16 to 32 year olds.
Character custimization
Alright , to be fair this is not only Nintendo's problem. Ubisoft has this aswell (but for Ubisoft there's no solid reason why). In order to make sense why you're saving the princess , in order to make sense why you're killing people in Paris , in order to make sense why I would want to shoot people I need to bond with my character. Sitting there , hating the way your character looks or just questioning why I would ever want to help this guy out is fatal for any game. Yes , when you buy a Mario game I shouldn't except to make my own character and I know this doesn't have to but being able to make your own character in X and Y was the actual right way to go. Ever since diamond and pearl I have been hating my character every generation (In Black 2 white 2 I actually rather was the rival because he was the only one to actually look cool). You may have liked it , I didn't. It makes the game a chore to play. Making a character everyone likes is hard , thats why character custimization is easy , people can just make the character they like. For many games , Nintendo should consider this (The Nintendo games I played never had any character custimization , I don't exactly know how they are doing with this right now).
Then how should it be done?
One big huge company out there is actually doing it right. Bethesda. Bethesda actually cares about their fans and the people who buy their games. They accept mods because it makes people get more joy out of their games. The DLC isn't chopped off , it's just some extra stuff they started working on after the release of the game. They don't want to make a game every year (Assassins creed got actually destroyed by doing this). They want to release an actual good game , worth it's money and amuse all gamers. They seem to be one of the few companies out there that actually still care about people enjoying their game. The way I see it , they are the real kings. They have won this E3 with Fallout 4 even before the E3 has started and when the next Elder Scrolls will come out they will win E3 without any doubt again. Great games with great motives.
Too be fair , Nintendo is in a though spot. They can't release games on PC and other consoles (well they can but they will never want to. I think they'll rather go broke) but they just can't compete. I know this is weird , my advice? Stop with the consoles. Go on with the 3DS if you'd like but I think that if they don't strike back with a great console which should have great games for everyone right from the start to lure people in , Nintendo would get to far behind. Gaming on a console from Nintendo means you wouldn't get some of the best games but also you'd have to fully commit to Nintendo , to do so you need to choose for Nintendo over most of the other game companies. And after all that have happend and especially compared with their rivals , I don't think meany people can.
Remember I'm not trying to take a hit at Nintendo or try to insult people. NIntendo isn't the only company which is heading the wrong way but because alot of fanboys just stand before them screaming everything is okay and trying to defend everything they maybe started to think they are the kings of the gaming world? well they were but alot has happend and alot has changed. I love the Pokemon franchise and Mario Kart and wouldn't like to see Nintendo going down as much as we all wouldn't like to see it but I don't think NIntendo will be able to actually compete untill some big changes are made.
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