justin_06's forum posts
[QUOTE="justin_06"]I'm in and let me assure you, this game lives up to all the hype. I just earned my Medic Badge and im having an excellent time healing my squad members. good stuff. freham2001
are you a GAP member?.....and also, im starting to get pissed, i've been a member of the underground for about 5 years and i still havent been asked to be a GAP member. WTF sony.
Nope, not a GAP member. I'm not sure how I was chosen.
a grenade is a great way to get rid of a couple mines without aiming. Mines are easy to spot once you know what to look for, plus you can always hear them before you set them off, so i don't see what the big deal ispiano_pimp
Yeah you can get them from best buy, they are around 10 dollars i believe for a pelican branded one.
At anyrate, I only pay 2.25 since i work at best buy :D
haha same here...cables are such a ripoff...8 bucks for a 12 foot HDMI cable? sure!
oh, one more thing. can you customize your gun like in COD4?shikakrinks
Nope, no need to really with the class system.
[QUOTE="justin_06"]Im in the BETA, it is very impressive, not many bugs/glitches.odin2019
Send me the beta.
No thanks.
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