Heavy Rain Review
David Cage’s breakout title gets prettier, but not smarter.
David Cage’s breakout title gets prettier, but not smarter.
Assassin's Creed Chronicles comes to a dull end in Russia.
One of The Walking Dead’s most mysterious characters has a story to tell, though it’s similar to one we’ve heard before.
The war comes to consoles, but might have lost something along the way.
Heartbreaking, painful, and important.
The middle chapter of the Chronicles trilogy improves the formula, but doesn’t perfect it.
David Cage’s best “interactive drama” experiment to date comes to PS4 in better shape than ever.
Tonally uneven, yet still one of the more fascinating game experiences ever made.
Shadowrun takes a successful, though familiar trip to the Far East.
A better version of a great game, but not as definitive as it could be.
The ninja returns, better than ever.
With this Prototype bundle, the virus is back, but it's been rendered inert.
Guild of Dungeoneering is deceptively simple but full of fun.
Clumsy controls make The Masterplan more gawky than graceful.
In Her Story, an old game mechanic has been put to captivating new use.
Neon Struct is a retro stealth experience that is a bit too retro for its own good.
Hatred isn't fun, interesting, or titillating enough to command your time or attention.
Schrodinger's Cat is smarter than the average platformer, but still a pretty average platformer.
Invisible, Inc. has the right tools and the right talent, but it's not quite the flawless caper it almost was.
This 8-bit throwback perfectly emulates the era, for better and for worse.
In I Am Bread, both the joke and the game carry on far too long.
Dark Souls II comes to current gen with a vengeance.
Underneath Woolfe's pretty veneer lies a broken, paper-thin game.
A mix of Musou, strategy, and pure insanity, Bladestorm ends up missing the mark with all three.
Deathtrap is a solid genre mash-up that goes on the (tower) defensive.
Shelter returns, bigger than before, yet somehow lesser for it.
The Vita gets some more JRPG love, but with a remarkable twist.
Strong dystopian storytelling powers this fascinating and fresh take on the stealth genre.
Citizens of Earth wins hearts and minds, but still loses in a few key states.
Saints Row rides onto new platforms, and a good standalone expansion follows with it.
Destiny gets darker with its new add-on, but the game itself isn't better for it.
Phoenix Wright's first three adventures return on the 3DS, prettier but not better than ever.
Telltale's riff on the Fables series is far from child's play.
The drinks aren't the only thing watered down in Speakeasy.
This War of Mine is survival horror game of a very different, very literal kind.
A Bird Story is a short but bittersweet tale that uses sparse interaction to great effect.
The Unfinished Swan on the PlayStation 4 is a pretty game made prettier, and a gentle charmer in its own right.
Neverending Nightmares is an apt name for an unnerving but meandering experience.
Falling Skies is a functional, unattractive, and uninspired XCOM clone.
Chuck E. Scream.
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