What is your opinion??? I think it might have ruined some of the game because i loved how it was first person but now they have a 3rd person view which might unbalance the multiplayer... what you think!? Below i provided the opinios and controversy of the game by developers ect
What is your opinion??? I think it might have ruined some of the game because i loved how it was first person but now they have a 3rd person view which might unbalance the multiplayer... what you think!? Below i provided the opinios and controversy of the game by developers ect
i was looking at the store for uncharted 2 multiplayer and there was a character for the heroes that the way to unlock him is to get the platinum trophy. but when i looked at the trophy there was no descirption for it.. its confusing, need help!
Im always getting messages about how to train. for example i can either pick kickboxing training or wrestling training. How do you get the practice cuase i always pick the wrestling training but i dont kno how to get in. thanks!
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