I knew you were. I have been since I got cable internet many years ago lol.
jwilks209's forum posts
Crash Bandicoot on ps1
I think it would be sick for them to either make a new one for PSN arcade, or to make an arena-style game out of it. Used to LOVE this game... was the most gruesome thing I ever saw at age 12 lol.
1,000,000 times yes. I think that Sony should have done all their franchise exclusives from the start, that would not only boost the selection but keep the fanbases that formed around the PS2.
LOK games were amazing back in the day, would only get better with the next gen graphics.
Just like wal-mart selling used systems as new, it's like one of those unspoken things in the retail world. I bought my PS3 for a brand new price and it already had scratches and user information stored on it.
Also another shady thing is that this kid came into my gamestop with 5 sixx axis controllers, clearly stolen, and they allowed him to trade them in then sold one to me for $30 dollars before they put them in the inventory. My friend is the manager and it turns out they just split the money 0.o
Just like any other FPS, if people get really good at it they won't want to try new ones that come after. So, yes, just like any FPS it will always be around to some degree. People still play Call of Duty on pc. There are still clans for Armagedtron for christ's sake lol.
You probably should have turned it off once in a while. Issues like this don't "just happen".
Please....PLEASE.... turn down your mic sensitivty... ALL OF YOU. I have an alias now named MuteYourMic because I would like to spread the hatred I share of hearing what your Mom is getting you from the Grocery, the fact that the dog clearly sees something, thus the reason he is barking CONSTANTLY; and has anyone else noticed they always sound like little kick dogs? If you start crying on the mic (this really happened) because you don't want to go to bed yet don't get pissed when I ridicule you, It's for two reasons.
One, if someone is still telling you to go to bed on time why in the hell... or rather, how in the hell did you convince your parents to let you play Killzone 2? This boggles my mind, slap your parents in their "no-no areas" (as I'm sure you call them) for being crappy at parenting. And the second reason is I don't like playing games with people who find that finger-painting is their favorite subject at school,plus, you're making me feel bad that I'm in my 20s and still playing video games.
I think a great plan to stimulate the economy is to start giving a test bottle of ridilin with every headset, that would solve a lot of my issues while playing games online as well as giving a boost to pharmaceutical companies stock. Either that or you can learn to turn down your mic sensitivity or the volume on your television... thank you for your time.
Now do it. Seriously, I'm not joking lol.
I'm really hoping they get rid of the magnetism. Can you imagine a game that has the bullet registry like Killzone 2, but the controls of COD 4? That would be incredible.
Also, get LAN support so tournaments can actually be played and leagues actually host events for it. COD WaW had it... but WaW sucked ass in comparison to Modern warfare.
Also, I would hope that they changed the fact that you can snipe with SMGs... it makes it really annoying to miss someone with a sniper rifle but then get popped in the head by a short range gun from that same distance. If they do this it will define the way you play. (I.e. SMGers are the sneaky up close players who hide around corners to get advantage but aren't good at a distance. Snipers are good at a distance but not good up close, and everyone else is a jack of all trades master of none.) That in my opinion is the way it should be. That way there are no "noob" guns.
Speaking of that... limit grenade launchers to only one gun while using the overkill perk... if you are halfway decent of a player and use overkill with two launchers attached to your weapons it's an easy 4 kills everytime before you die. If you're not getting rid of them, then do us a favor and limit their usage. Either that or decrease their impact radius... or better yet, incorporate them with real time physics. What I mean by that is if they are launched high into the air at random they should sway and either go further than the person anticpated or go off center; nothing annoyed me more about COD4 than starting a SnD match and have an entire team spam grenade launchers towards the spawn... not aiming at anything particular. Now, that doesn't limit their usage because if they're used at a medium distance (like they were intended to do) they are still effective and accurate.
Basically I want them to piss off noobs... or at least limit them to vehicles. (p.s. I hate vehicles in FPS games I think they ruin the flow, and I wish they wouldn't add them but I know they are going to so whatever lol)
The aiming is annoying no matter how much you play it, however, Guerrila has already stated they're fixing it in the next big patch.
With that said, in the time being you need to learn how to play KZ2. This is not a game that you can play like COD, strategic placement is key. If you camp in a spot you know someone will be, you'll get kills. Instead of running around spraying a SMG getting headshots from 100 yards or more like COD.
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