Some people must have really uncomfortable set ups for their computer o_O I have a very comfy executive chair, a spacious table, a mini fridge under the desk, my iPhone nearby for a quick text during loading screens, a bottle of Purell (you wouldn't believe how disgusting electronics and peripherals get...wash your hands!), and a footstool. If your PC set up consists of a folding table and a folding chair....I feel sorry for you. And if I get tired of my executive chair (I don't), I move to the couch, switch the PC monitor to my TV hanging on the wall, then resume gaming. All done in less than 5 seconds.
I don't know why people think that PC gaming is expensive. I can build you a nice PC system for a little less than $800 and it will last you about 3 years? Plus, you can have some nice productivity on it, such as Photoshop, Folding@Home, Microsoft Office (Or Open Office if you are cheap like me). Then if you have a ATI card, your possibilities have just grown without paying a dime. Take advantage of Eyefinity and use multiplayer monitors. Regardless, most college's require you have a computer anyways. See you all on Bad Company 2 :P
To nyranasaurus XP ran smoother on your comp because you are using a Pentium 4 with 256 mb of RAM and a 6800. Maybe if you buy a computer with decent specs like a Quad core and 4 gb of RAM and get Service Pack 1, Vista will run smooth as butter on it. I hate it when people put down other potential customers based on hardware performance. Get a better computer before you can call out the shots. And if you are gonna whine about increased hardware specs, I'm sorry but that is called Life.
E3 makes too much noise when it goes on and they have the nerve to cordon off traffic in some areas, making it impossible to live near when it goes on. So much for a "premium" for living near the LA Convention Center. Use public transportation Gamespot!
Improve the quality of games, establish variable pricing, and clearly demonstrate what you are trying to sell in your product. Companies should focus on aspects that would attract us to their game. If their game doesn't have any, then they should retool and refocus. 1) Quality of games these days are bunk. Way too much shovelware is being tossed around and priced at $50-60. Obviously nobody would buy them because their Metacritic scores are worse than a high school students test score. There are few high quality games that reach the mark, but they are few and far. And not to mention, many high quality games fly under the radar. 2) Variable pricing. If your game has a storyline for only 10 hours, it simply isn't worth $50. Nor $40. Maybe $30-35 for the game. Developers should look at what they are pushing out and consider how much it really is worth. Otherwise it just won't sell. Does it have great multiplayer capabilities like CoD4? Then mark up the price to $50. Maybe it has an engaging storyline like Fallout 3? Another $50 game. But if your games aren't like that, they aren't worth $50 and nobody will buy them, hurting the company alot more than if they released it for $30. 3) Alot of video game companies haven't been advertising. I don't see alot of game commercials on TV, newspapers, popular magazines, etc. Usually new releases are confined to the Internet and video game magazines with a couple spots here and there. Halo 3 advertised prominently wherever it could, on TV, in the papers, e.g. and I'm very sure all of that helped to contribute millions more in sales than if they kept hush-hush about it. Advertise your games!
k0r3aN_pR1d3's comments