@bmoreninja777: Oh I agree. I prefer Xbox but I will say Xbox One has yet to have a system seller. They've yet to release a game that will make people say "I have to own a Xbox" yet. I love the GoW and Halo games but those games don't do anything for a lot of people. I see this generation as rebuilding year for the Xbox brand.
@rasterror: They showed their hand last year for this year. Sony has to quit showing games that are 2+ years out at their E3's. MS did the same thing with Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3.
@uchihasilver: Xbox should get Crackdown, Sea of Thieves, Phantom Dust HD, Cuphead, and State of Decay 2 this year. So they might actually have a decent line-up for a change.
k9kal85's comments