Of course humans are intelligent in other aspects, that whole essay you wrote on this subject was pointless.
As for your twisted logic – that we are animals so we should act like animals and we are doing animals a great service by force breeding them only to kill them after.
Lion’s eat their own cubs if food is scarce so is it okay for us to do this? Let’s continue to use this logic of yours.
Firstly, did you know that the number one driving factor that is causing starvation and poverty in third world countries is meat that is provided to people in first world countries. We are using a high amount of gallons of water and resources for the production of meat to benefit our countries and in return they suffer for it. Do your research on this. So should another life suffer for our “survival” and "pleasure"?
Organ trafficking is very common where people, for example in China, have been killed to take their organs to be sold in first world countries. This will probably save another life but is this doing them a great service because a life of a poorer person was taken to save a life of an “important” person?
In the time of black slavery, white people valued their life over a black person. White people thought they were civilised, intelligent and the future so they thought nothing of other races. For example, the British attacked India and killed many, Americans killed many Native-Americans for land, Hitler valued a life of a Christian over a Jew and so killed many Jews and in the name of Islam many people have been killed. Islam is not doing anyone a service by killing them or forcibly converting them but according to you they are? Because according to you a life can value its own over another. I’m sure all of these oppressors felt they were more important than the life they took while the victims just want to be free of that pain and suffering. There is a long list of oppression.
Some Humans have realised that it’s wrong to oppress humans but have not realised it’s wrong to oppress another life whether it’s human or not. Just because an animal is unintelligent, cannot communicate with us and cannot fight back for freedom it does not make it okay to kill it. Child labour was discovered in the Apply Industry, but was it okay for this to happen because the children do not understand it’s wrong and lack the intelligence to live a better life? A job was created for the child, so according to you this is fine. Would it be okay to forcibly take a mentally ill person’s organ to be used for a mentally well person? The mentally ill person would not possess the intelligence to understand what is happening to him/her is wrong and also will not be able to communicate it to another. Is one life more important than another? According to you, we should behave like animals so it is. Why don’t you watch videos of the meat industry and see how happy animals are. If I was in that animal's position I would prefer to not exist!
Fun fact, cannibalists in history have stated humans taste like pigs. It still occurs today in certain cultures either for survival, ritual or pleasure but according to you this is fine or is it not for the sole reason that humans are important because we possess intelligence??
@valtair: You mentioned two invalid arguments, the first is the old, stupid argument that meat eaters always use against vegans when they say "plants are alive so why you eating them", it's been done by meat eaters again and again. The second is that only meat contains nutritional value. Look up all the vegan bodybuilders on youtube as well as vegan diets, that is your answer to that. We have plenty to eat- I'm not bothered to argue with you on that one, it was a pathetic argument at best to bring up. As for the first, everything has energy to survive and plants possess defense mechanisms but they do not feel pain and are not sentient beings whereas animals are. There are plenty of articles to look up on the internet to explain it all in depth if you are really "concerned" about plants. All I here are pointless and meaningless excuses.
It's unfortunate that you cannot understand how cruel what you believe in is. So pleasure to you is more important than another life? So, you wouldn't mind if a lion ate a loved one of yours? You would say that pleasure for the lion is important so good on the lion? I doubt that. In the same way, a cow wouldn't want a human to eat it nor it's calf. Lions, for example, are made to be carnivores whereas humans can choose to be not. Our mentality and understanding is no different than an animal if we do not practice qualities that make us different than them such as compassion.
@nl_skipper: Of course you won't understand if you lack basic human compassion which you've presented really well. It's like telling a seriel killer why its wrong to kill another human.
@Ayato_Kamina_1: That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. So according to you the more pleasure one seeks the more intelligent that makes them?? Some animals and insects actively engage in pleasure too, does that make them intelligent? So, is a rapist according to you intelligent? Is a serial killer intelligent? Knowing what is right and wrong is being intelligent, especially to act on that is possessing strength of mind. An alcoholic is not intelligent, but according to you they are because they give in to their weak pleasure instead of using a strong intelligent mind to change. A smoker is not intelligent too similarly a moth that is drawn to light even if it kills them is not.
All these people just like meat eaters give in to a weaker unintelligent side of a human which is similar to addictions and weaknesses animals and insects possess. When humans use their intelligence to actively partake in bettering themselves such as practicing qualities like compassion and others...that makes them intelligent, not continuously engaging in pleasure which does nothing to improve the human's self.
@valtair: Look another one, did you read what I wrote? I said we humans have intelligence. Food chain only applies to the unintelligent - those who cannot escape that chain, cannot live outside of that chain. We can live without meat. Your argument is pathetic.
@nl_skipper: That's a load of rubbish. Eating a living creature is inhumane and unnatural for humans. Stop kidding yourself. Meat eaters still living in the stone age and haven't realised we're herbivores and possess the intelligence to survive without resorting to criminal actions such as killing and eating animals. Horrid living conditions? Meat is being produced on a mass scale to feed all of you un-human people, of course they would be forced to live in horrid conditions to gain more profit. Hold on..so you're saying give a pig a short heavenly and peaceful life to live before you slaughter it for food?? Does this make you feel better? Are you sick?? Pigs are put in the gas chamber like the holocaust so that you can eat them after. Meat eaters are lying to themselves when they think they have compassion. They would take pleasure over compassion any time. You're murderers but just keep lying to yourselves.
You mentioned everything but people consuming meat/animals?? How about the egg industry, dairy industry, wool industry etc. Seen how much animals suffer in them?? If you are going to make a movie about the suffering of animals do it right.
KaalKurayami's comments