@Scorpion1813 @kabalzer0 i don't play online either. but i still want a challange.. and some of my friends and my brother are BemU fanatics and for playing with them KOF is the way to go. if i wanna have fun with gamers who are not into the genre MK is the perfect game thats true.
@Scorpion1813 @WhiteStormy @GamerOuTLaWz well the japanese fighting games are miles ahead of nether realms games gameplay wise.
Mortal Kombat is a fun game and MK9 finally is somewhat well made gameplay wise but still KOF13, Garou and Street Fighter 3 remain the best games in this genere imo. and no MK game is that good.
and dont get me wrong im a MK fan since i was 3yo.
@RiKanKiDD ya thats kinda odd right? especially because its from WayForward... aren't they the guys who made Mighty Switch Force on 3DS... and now making a sequel for it, also on 3DS...???
omg this is a Remake i would of never expected... wtf? but its awesome to see this game making a return :D and i'm going to play this on Wii U of course! its a NES game after all :D
ya a COD like training... i would pay to see those COD trained soliders in battle xD
imagine 10 US solider starting to rush into a terrorist camp half of them tryin to quickscope them and trhowin knifes - the other half rushin in only armed with a Desert Eagle and a tactical knife xD
Of course its not MGS... its MGR! and calling it a generic hack n slash ist just stupid. the gameplay of Bayonetta has more depth than any Metal Gear game... and since Metal Gear Rising is made by the same Developer, i have no doubt that it will be awesome. if you want a new MGS wait for MGS5... Kojima said it will come sooner or later...
kabalzer0's comments