DS battery life was out of this world lol a 3DS can last on sleep mode for over 20 days PSP can last on sleep mode for 1 week but 3DS and PSV I think they only last for 3~4 days.
My 3DS only lasts a few hours of playtime. D:
My 3DS lasts for zero hours :D ..cuz...i dont have one :D..:P
tho 3DS XL is something im interested in.
like the 7th remake of the 3ds lol...why would u want an even fatter handheld?
thanks 4 the post i actually really liked the look of ragnarok odyssey wen i first saw it and xseeds games are mostly really nice, i enjoy them alot so this will be great once its released ^_^
Its like Square Enix thinks Final Fantasy XIII is just as good as Final Fantasy VII. Out of all the other Final Fantasy games they decided to do a sequel to XIII again. It seems like they are aiming to get more money than to make a high quality game. They should go back to the old battle systems from 4-9 if they want to keep gambling on other IP's other than Final Fantasy.
i think its just laziness they can reuse the same worlds, same characters...and try to hold us off till versus is never announced...but 13-2 was alot nicer than 13 except it was still so repetitive like 4 different versions of the same worlds..seriously...they replaced linearity with a new kind of linearity
well ive always kinda appreciated treyarchs style a bit more for CoD wen im playing with most my friends and family at their houses who play CoD zombies always wins so treyarchs abilty to change the game is good. World at War was my first cod so ill always kind of like it more than the modern warfare series' but black ops 1 just was a crappy game cause of the way it mutilated alot of people's hardware hopefully blops 2 doesnt.
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