It looks like he is wearing a Vince wig like they did when DX were facing vince and shane
kakkarott23's forum posts
No Holds Barred Match
The Undertaker vs. Triple H
Winner: The Undertaker: HBK screws over HHH. Breaks a pin. HHH looks at him like what the hell. Sweet Chin Music into a tombstone
WWE Title
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Winner: The Miz: Cena AA Miz goes for the pin, the ref is down, the Rock comes down, back and forth, slides out of a AA and Rock Bottom
World Heavyweight Title
Alberto Del Rio (with Brodus Clay) vs. Edge (c) (with Christian)
Winner: Alberto Del Rio: Christian screws over Edge. Sick of being in his shadow
Special Guest Referee: Steve Austin
Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole (with Jack Swagger)
Winner: Jerry Lawler
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Winner: Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Winner: Cody Rhodes
John Morrison, Trish Stratus & Snooki vs. Lay-Cool & Dolph Ziggler
Winner: Team JoMo. Snookie gets the pin and Laycool fight amongst each other abit about it.
WWE United States Title
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Winner: Sheamus
Big Show, Kane, Santino & Kozlov vs. The Corre
Winner: Face Team
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