I wonder how long before he gets arrested and claims the drugs are his kid's drugs. On a serious note, this may finally be something to straighten him out.
No good can come from Kane being the attacker. Kane will not come out of this well at all. The might as well just say Kane did it cause he caught Undertaker messing with Katie Vick. They could have had Kane's desire to destroy everyone as a way of Kane trying to gather enough souls to bring Taker back. Hell they might just have him say he did it for The Rock. I see Kane losing the title after hearing some gongs during the match and not paying attention
Since I don't consider the ECW championship as a major title for Kane, I am caustiously excited for him. I am still in disbelief though. I guess they are like 7 years too late but yeah Kane. Now Christian needs a new finisher and a title.
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